• July 23, 2023

Diet rebound effect: how to avoid and stop experiencing weight gain after a diet

The most important thing to keep in mind about the rebound effect of dieting is that its root cause is not what you’re doing wrong, but rather what the diet itself is doing wrong. You will see that most diets have a tendency to reduce the amount of calories allowed per day to very low…

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Vertical jump training and the role of fast twitch muscles

If you’ve taken more than a casual look at vertical jump training, you’ve no doubt heard the term “fast-twitch muscle fibers.” The basic theory is that people with large vertical jumps have a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers than those who don’t. For whatever reason, nature has blessed high jumpers this way. When you…

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Exercises to Avoid When You Have Scoliosis

A common misconception among people with back problems like scoliosis is that they should avoid any type of physical activity. Actually, some exercises will help alleviate this pain related to the condition and which is characterized by an abnormal and lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis patients should avoid some movements, which will worsen their…

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uric acid treatment

What is uric acid? As long as you are healthy, your body naturally produces uric acid. If you eat too many purine-rich foods, it can cause high uric acid to build up in your blood. This condition is called hyperukicemia and requires treatment and is easier to treat if diagnosed early, in fact if left…

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Burning Desire: Do you want to lose 5 pounds of fat quickly without starving yourself?

Jumpstart your metabolism with the following eating plan: Torn. Cutting up. Trituration. All different labels to describe the ultimate goal of the bodybuilder: dispatch unwanted body fat accumulation while keeping hard-earned muscle mass right where it is. Although the oft-prescribed method of eating fewer calories each day while burning extra calories through exercise is certainly…

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6 reasons to build muscle

Hi, friend! Here are 6 reasons for you and me to build muscle! 1. Increased confidence One of the crucial benefits of building muscle and toning it is the fact that it will boost your confidence. Building muscles helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolism rate. Weight loss makes you look and feel better.…

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When can I start eating beans again on the Candida diet?

This friend of mine is really into beans, like lima, chickpeas, black beans, refried beans (organic of course), etc., and he keeps wondering when on the candida diet he can start eating them again. He also throws me other questions. He wants to know if the lentil is a bean and can be eaten on…

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How to get rid of cellulite on the thighs naturally and effectively!

Do you have dimples, bumps, cottage cheese craters anywhere on your body? Learn how to get rid of cellulite on your thighs, legs, buttocks, arms, ankles, stomach, or anywhere else quickly and naturally! After one of my 45-minute gym routine workouts, I headed for the shower like I always do. Except this time, my hair…

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The best foods to include in a low carb diet plan

When talking about a low carb diet plan, it is a diet that eats natural, unprocessed pies that contain minimal carbohydrates. A low carb diet plan has been scientifically proven to help lose weight while optimizing health and reducing the risk of any disease. Basically, the amount of food you can eat and the foods…

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Is intermittent fasting, ADF or 5:2 fasting effective?

If you’ve tried intermittent fasting and gotten some positive results, then you can continue in your own style. However, here is a very popular and effective method to get similar or better results than what you expect from traditional fasting. This is called the 5:2 diet, which simply means that you eat normally 5 days…

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