• May 17, 2023

Get out of that bad relationship and get ready to meet your soul mate!

Their eyes meet across the room and suddenly it’s like they’re the only two people in the world. You wonder what could be going on as you hold each other’s gaze. You can barely move as you feel every cell in your body tingling. Is it possible that you just met the love of your life?

It can happen like this in a truly romantic way as if heaven and earth had stopped embracing two soul mates meeting. All of your relationships up to this point have been troubled and you began to wonder if you would ever meet a decent guy. But here he is standing right in front of you.

The path to true love can be read with broken dreams and broken hearts. It seems that there are more people in bad relationships where insecurity reigns or one partner is trying to control the other. So why is it any different with a soul mate?

Whether it is from God himself or from a mystery of the universe, we can meet another person who improves our life. A person with whom we can find true harmony and share common principles and beliefs. If you’ve been walked all over by a heartless bully or constantly foul-mouthed by an insecure guy, don’t give up on there being a great guy out there for you. If a soul mate is a fantasy or belief for you, get out of your bad relationship and let others help you heal. There is a guy for you who will love you and understand who you are. Never settle for second or third best.

While you’re at the throats of an abusive partner, keep your fantasies alive. Even though you have been hurt, you know that true love between two people exists. Pull the plug and find that higher love. Your soul mate is probably fidgeting wondering where you are.

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