• October 31, 2022

The Ultimate Weight Loss Plan: Your Own Intuition!

So many diets and exercise plans, so many experts, and so many conflicting theories about how you can lose weight, so which one should you follow? The answer is simple: develop your own intuition so that you instantly know what your own body needs. Here are some suggestions on how you can get started…

Over the years, we can destroy the body’s ability to communicate its needs by eating too many wrong foods that throw the body out of balance so it craves all the wrong things.

At that stage it’s not really worth listening to the body, because as it has endless cravings for coffee, chocolate or cigarettes, it’s clearly not making its needs known; he’s just trying to feed all his addictions. There is only so long you can stumble in this state before the imbalances you are creating turn into something more serious.

Well, we all know, or at least know, someone who had an Uncle Jim who smoked 80 a day, ate all he wanted, never gained a pound, and lived to be 100, but we can never guarantee that we are one. of the lucky ones with a cast-iron physiology that isn’t going to break under such abuse? And anyway, how much better quality of life would Uncle Jim have had if he hadn’t smoked all those cigarettes? He Maybe he would have won ten golds at the Olympics and lived to be 120!

It’s all very well to say just listen to your body to find out which weight loss plan is right for you, but where do you start to educate yourself? Ayurveda might have the answer.

With a simple quiz you can determine your Ayurvedic body type from the three body types (or doshas): vata, pitta and kapha, and from there it is easy to relate those body types to the different foods, which are also covered for the same doshas.

Once you know your Ayurvedic body type and learn which foods aggravate or balance that particular body type or set of imbalances, it is possible to make choices that bring the body back into balance. Once your body is in balance and running on ideal fuel, it’s a safe bet that your body will also stabilize at your ideal weight without uncomfortable calorie restrictions.

The next stage, once you have developed your intuition with the help of Ayurveda, is to rely solely on that intuition and learn to listen to what your newly balanced body is telling you it needs, and now that information should be accurate. Simple as that!

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