• July 14, 2021

Transit letters and numerology: your name is your fortune

Have you ever wondered why certain things are happening to you or if there is any way to know in advance if your finances will improve this year? Numerology provides a unique tool to forecast the major events in your life; their Transit Letters.

Together with your Life Cycles and your Personal Year number, your Transit Charts generally predict the events that are scheduled to happen in your life. This practice, although I cannot prove it by any scientific means, can be incredibly accurate when it comes to giving a miniature sketch of what life plans for you.

How to calculate your transit letters

Your transit letters are based on your birth name; your full name as it is written on your birth certificate. This includes spelling and qualifying errors (Jr., iii, iv, etc.) that were actually recorded in the original document. Any legal changes to your name, or corrections when you save it later, do not count; only the original birth name is used.

Each word or qualifier in your birth name generates an additional Transit Letter for you at any time. Also, each name in your birth name has a particular period or cycle that repeats in your life as you age. This is best illustrated with an example.

Johnny Depp Transit Letters

Let’s examine actor Johnny Depp’s Transit Letters to see what I’m talking about. First, Johnny Depp’s birth name is ‘John Christopher Depp iii’. This gives you (4) transit letters in effect at any time in your life; each name produces one letter.

Each letter of the alphabet has a duration that matches its position of fadic addition in the alphabet.

a = 1, b = 2, … i = 9, j = (10) = 1, k = (11) = 2, … y = (25) = 7, z = (26) = 8.

When we look at a name, we record the corresponding numerical values ​​and get the point of the name.

John = 20 years

j (1) + o (6) + h (8) + n (5)

Christopher = 67 years

c (3) + h (8) + r (9) + i (9) + s (1) + t (2) + o (6) + p (7) + h (8) + e (5) + r (9)

Depp = 23 years

d (4) + e (5) + p (7) + p (7)

iii = 27 years

I (9) + I (9) + I (9)

He was born in June 1963, so his current age is 43.

His name has a period of (20) that leaves his age 2 times, leaving 3 years. So its first Transit Letter name was ‘j’ from 2003 to June 2004, and it will be an ‘o’ from June 2004 to June 2010 (six years).

His middle name has a period of (67) so we count in 43 years as follows:

Christo = 3 + 8 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 6 = 38 years.

So his transit letter of ‘p’ started on his 38th birthday in June 2001 and will run until June 2008 (seven years).

His third name has a period of 23 years, leaving 43 once, leaving 20 years. So we count in 20 years as follows:

Dep = 4 + 5 + 7 = 16 years.

So his transit letter of ‘p’ started on his 39th birthday (23 + 16) in June 2002, and will last for (7) years, when it will be replaced by another ‘p’ that will last (7) more years June 2016.

His fourth birth name always gives us a transit letter of ‘i’ throughout his life.

So Johnny Depp’s current transit letters are: o, p, pe I. They remain in effect until June 2008, when the o becomes an ‘h’.

This is the process of how transit letters are calculated. It’s complex enough to let computers do the dirty work for us.

What do they tell us?

Different letters have different effects on us, although there are some general guidelines to remember.

Short period letters like ‘a’, ‘j’ and ‘s’ demand drastic changes in your life; They only last one year, but they have a strong impact.

The following letters are good for business and finance: ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘j’, ‘m’, ‘o’, ‘p’, ‘q’ and ‘z’.

The following letters indicate possible health problems: ‘b’, ‘k’ and ‘t’.

The following letters indicate possible delays and difficulties in our plans: ‘I’ and ‘r’.

Duplicate and tripled letters can have negative side effects due to too much of something; they tend to bring out the negative aspects of excess in everything they impact.


Your transit cards in many ways can be considered as a simple Tarot card reading for the current period of your life. Three or four different signals that have limited meaning when taken separately, but tend to be much more significant when taken together as a whole.

They, along with your life cycle and personal year, form the elements of your numerology chart that predict your future.

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