• May 29, 2021

5 common reasons for car accidents

Fatal car accidents occur at an alarming rate every day in the US The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) determined that 40,000 Americans are killed in car accidents each year. This means that a person is involved in a car accident every 10 seconds. These casualties can range from minor collisions to fatal crashes. According to the data, a person in the US will die in a car accident every 12 minutes. That’s why car accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans 35 and younger.

Because car accidents have become so common, practicing defensive driving is more important than ever. While driving is considered a personal freedom for many Americans, it is also something that carries great personal responsibility.

Avoid 5 common reasons for car accidents

To avoid becoming just another statistic, it is advisable to practice alert and cautious driving techniques. The five most common causes of car accidents are the result of poor driving practices and poor decision making.

1. Driving under the influence: Drinking and driving is one of the most dangerous decisions a person can make while driving a vehicle. The NHTSA reported that in 2011, 9,878 fatal accidents were the result of drunk driving. To put that in perspective, it is estimated that every 30 minutes, a person dies from an alcohol-related accident. Options are always available to avoid driving under the influence of alcohol.

two. Speeding: Speed ​​limits are designed for a reason. Based on 2011 data, 30 percent of all traffic-related fatalities involved speeding. Always stay within the speed limits and practice safe driving.

3. Distracted driving: Driving is a great responsibility. Distracted driving includes operating a vehicle while also eating, talking on the phone or texting, putting on makeup, writing a note, or doing some other type of multitasking. Anything you do that doesn’t help you operate a 2,000-pound vehicle tends to distract you from driving. In 2011, 387,000 Americans were injured in accidents in which distracted driving was the fault. Reduce your distractions and keep your phone quiet while driving.

Four. Driving tired: Driving drowsy not only puts the driver at risk, but also other vehicles on the road. Swerving into the wrong lane or going off the road becomes a big problem after driving long distances on freeways. Practice safe driving by always staying alert or looking for another driver to help you.

5. Running red lights: Another common cause of car accidents involves running red lights. Traffic lights are designed to control the flow of traffic and help cars avoid collisions. Practice safe driving by following the lights and slowing down at a yellow light.

While it may be impossible to eliminate the risks associated with car accidents, there are things you can do to minimize your chances. Practicing safe driving habits and encouraging others to do the same is a good first step in increasing safety on the road. And in the unfortunate event that you are

involved in some type of car accident, be sure to contact an experienced car accident attorney for expert legal advice and guidance.

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