• July 24, 2023

The Long Tail: Great Hits and Great Mistakes

The “Long Tail” is a colloquial name given to various statistical distributions characterized by a small set of large-amplitude events and a very large set of low-amplitude events. Coined by Wired magazine writer Chris Anderson in 2004, the long tail of the web has perplexed academics and challenged online marketers. Think of Hollywood movies: there…

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Boychik Lit is Hipper Fratire

the new term brother, or frat satire, was coined a year ago by the New York Times’ Warren St. John, presumably because his editors didn’t approve of another term that rhymes with “chick lit.” But somehow, fratire doesn’t seem catchy enough. And that preoccupation with frat culture: is throwing up on your own shoes really…

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Danbury Restaurants That Deliver

When you’re busy, the last thing on your mind is cooking, which is why it’s important to know about all the Danbury restaurants that deliver here in Colorado. Sometimes you might be busy, sick, or just not in the mood to cook, so you’ll want to make sure you have a good meal to eat.…

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Military tactics of the narcissist

If you found yourself a prisoner of war, would you be happy? Would you sleep dreamily in your cell or tent and wonder how you got so lucky? If you found the door open and no guard on duty, would you stay inside, thanking your lucky stars? Of course not. Emotional abuse in a relationship…

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Why is an avoidant attachment style personality susceptible to cheating in relationships?

Once a cheater, always a cheater? Could we have found the reason why some people cheat and thus be closer to eliminating this common problem? The probability that someone will cheat during the course of a relationship ranges from 40 to 76 percent, says Geneviève Beaulieu-Pelletier, a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology at…

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Why do people find it difficult to give?

Mother’s Day is celebrated in the month of May, although the UK celebrates Mother’s Day in March. Whichever month this special day is celebrated, my theme today “It’s Better to Give” reminds me of mothers who give effortlessly. I haven’t met a mom who doesn’t live by this motto: “It’s better to give.” I won’t…

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Why he won’t respond to you after your breakup and what you can do to change it

Wondering why he doesn’t reply to you after your attempts to reconnect after the breakup? This is the basic reason why he is not responding to you and what you can do to feel better and formulate a plan to get him back. Your ex will not return to you if you are: Calling or…

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How To Get Your Ex Back After A Breakup – Be Mysterious!

Getting back together with your ex after a breakup can be difficult. Even if you feel bad and sad, remember that with a good plan it can be achieved. Just stay positive and work on your plan and soon you will be back with you Ex. Getting back together with someone who broke up with…

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Sleep and the shift worker

At first glance, shift work and flexible work patterns may seem like great options. Part of the appeal may be that you’re free to do things when others are working. You can shop, visit places, do things with relative ease. And from a business and operations perspective, flexible work patterns and changes provide full 24-hour…

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Herbal Colon Cleanse: An Alternative to Colon Irrigation

If you haven’t heard of colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy yet, chances are you’ve been hibernating for the past two years. Cleansing your colon has become the “in” thing, male or female, young or old. Previously the domain of celebrities like Princess Diana; Walk into any clinic, international hospital or spa and you are likely…

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