• July 18, 2023

Why he won’t respond to you after your breakup and what you can do to change it

Wondering why he doesn’t reply to you after your attempts to reconnect after the breakup? This is the basic reason why he is not responding to you and what you can do to feel better and formulate a plan to get him back.

Your ex will not return to you if you are:

Calling or texting him all the time.

There’s a term known as “texting terrorism” which simply means constantly texting your ex after you break up. You want to know what you did to make him break up with you.

The answer is that he probably doesn’t even know why he broke up with you. In some cases it is because he feels that you have not admired him enough. (Men have a powerful need to be admired in a relationship, but women, often for fear of appearing weak or compromising, don’t want to satisfy this need.)

So in the end, you don’t really know his reasons for breaking up with you, and it’s better not to try to understand them. Simply:

1. Accept that the breakup has happened.
2. Put your phone somewhere you won’t be tempted to text him.
3. Start working on a plan to feel better, and then try to get it back.

You have to reframe your thinking from “I need to get him back” to “I need to be attractive again so that if I see him again, I will feel a powerful emotional response.”

What this means is that you need to focus on yourself for a while. Recover and heal from the breakup: allow yourself to process and deal. Then start eating healthy, getting some exercise, and really focusing on your favorite mental activities and passions.

This could be:

1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Go out with friends
4. Cook
5. Shopping
6. Your favorite sports

You should focus on doing whatever you really enjoy doing. This will take your mind off the pain of the breakup and bring your mind back to a positive state.

You should also seek support from your friends as much as possible. They have been through breakups themselves, maybe several. They want to help support you emotionally during this difficult time, so let them!

Call your friends and have a girls’ night. Go to your favorite hangout and spend a few hours there. Try not to drink to excess, but relax and have fun. The important thing is to remember that life is short: enjoy it!

Don’t stress about the breakup. Once you’ve had a period of time to recover and have allowed yourself to have fun and indulge in your favorite interests, you can seriously think about setting up a meeting with your ex, assuming they still want to see you. you. (Obviously, in some cases, you just need to let it slide.)

But if he shows any interest in meeting with you after a couple weeks of breaking up, you know you have a chance to win him back.

How can you tell if he’s interested? Just send him a quick text after a couple of weeks have passed after the breakup. Say something like, “Hey, I hope you’re okay. I just wanted to say that I’m okay with the breakup.”

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