• July 18, 2023

Strategies used by happy people

There are strategies that are used by people who are happy. They are the secret of happiness. You too can use these strategies to be happy. They are as follows:-


You must smile every morning when you open your eyes. Emotions are a combination of internal feelings and physical responses that provide feedback to your brain. If you initiate a smile with your facial muscles, you trick the brain into responding with that good feeling. Try it. Put a smile on your face, not once, but many times. If you smile, even if it’s a fake smile, you’ll end up smiling inside.

pretend to be happy

This is another way to reverse the emotional feedback loop. When people fake happiness, they often start to feel better. Positive thoughts and behaviors have a positive impact on the brain. Positive thinking raises serotonin levels in the brain.

sit down and stand up straight

Unhappy people tend to slouch, happy people don’t. Always sit with your back straight. Psychologists have also found that happy people even take bigger steps when they walk. They extend their hands and are more impressive with their bodies.

be an optimist

Research shows that happy people are optimistic. Optimism is achieved by learning and not innate. While pessimists tend to complain, optimists focus on solving their problems. Pessimists talk about trying to do things; optimists just assume and believe they will succeed. They just do it.

think positively

You should always replace a negative thought with a positive one. Negative thoughts are literally toxic to the blood. They cause biochemical changes that can lead to depression and impact on the immune system and your health. When you become self-critical or have negative thoughts, try to stop it.

Involve your skills

Happy people are often engrossed in a task that challenges them without overwhelming them. They fully engage their abilities and this gives them happiness. They paint, dance, garden, knit, and work hard.

Fill your life with the things you love to do

A daily diet of simple pleasure is the key to true happiness, not the big unattainable things like a vacation, a new car, or a nice house. You have to find out what activities make you happy and do them. It can be cooking, enjoying food, exercising, gardening, reading, listening to music, watching movies, knitting; it’s different for everyone.

Avoid negative people

Avoid the person who does nothing but complain, and the person who criticizes you or refuses to support your dreams and aspirations. These are negative people and you need to get rid of them from your life.

have a good rest

Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, decreased alertness, and gloomy moods. Did you know that problems and conflicts are resolved in dreams and that sleep deprived people don’t have time to dream? Sleep deprivation can cause chemical changes in the brain that can lead to depression. There is a big debate about how many hours of sleep we need per night, but as a general rule. If you tend to sleep in on weekends or always need an alarm to wake you up, then you are probably sleep deprived.

Nourish your spiritual side

Countless studies show that religious people are happier and better cope with crises. This may be because spiritual communities provide emotional support and faith gives life a higher meaning and focus beyond oneself. Spiritual people transfer their problems to the one they believe in, to God or Allah. Nurture your spiritual life and you will find much happiness.

Do an exercise routine

Exercising helps increase levels of feel-good brain chemicals like endorphins. Aerobic exercise for up to 20 to 30 minutes four to five times a week promotes health and energy and is also an antidote to mild depression and anxiety. If your schedule is too tight to accommodate large chunks of exercise time, break the exercise into smaller chunks, such as a 10-minute walk before lunch or upon waking. Every bit of exercise you get helps. Make it part of your routine. Make it a lifestyle.

learn from your elders

People in their 60s, 70s and older who are in good health are among the happiest of people. This may be because they are better able to regulate their emotions, have developed perspective, don’t worry about the little things, and often have achieved their goals and aren’t trying to prove themselves. You should learn from them if you are younger. You have a lot to learn from your parents, uncles and other older people in society.

Reduce stress in your life

Stress has an impact on happiness levels. Relaxation techniques like meditation and massage improve your mood and general sense of well-being. You should also get rid of those people who cause stress in your life to reduce your stress level. Reducing the amount of problems in your life can definitely make you feel better. Avoid traffic jams, avoid taking public transport at peak times or turn off the phone when you get home or when you don’t answer it. Find a quiet moment each day when it’s just you, alone with your thoughts.

Be in control of your time One of the characteristics of happy people is that they feel in control of their lives. Become aware of how you use your time each day. Make a list of the things you plan to do one day and choose the ones you would like to do the most. Have a to-do list every day, prioritizing what you have to do and what you must do. For a few days, keep a journal of the ways you spend your time to figure out how you’re using it and where you need to make changes. Don’t allow interruptions when you’re doing the things you “must do.”

Take care of your close relationships

Many studies show a connection between social support and emotional well-being. Those who enjoy close relationships tend to deal better with various types of stress, such as bereavement, aggression, job loss, or divorce. Research has also shown that married men and women have higher levels of satisfaction than those who are single, widowed, or divorced. Have positive friends. Learn to network for support.

Take a long-term view of life

Don’t look at life as only today. Remember that there is always a tomorrow in which you can correct the things that you have done wrong today. Don’t look at today’s failure or disappointment as the end of your life. Focus on tomorrow. Remember that in six months to a year, you will recover from even the most devastating loss and your natural capacity for joy will be reaffirmed.

do volunteer work

All human beings have the need to have an impact on society. The satisfaction of that need through productive activity is one of the most dependent sources of human happiness. Volunteering is a source of great happiness. Help out at your local church, school, or hospital. Join a voluntary organization such as a Rotary or Lions club. Help the elderly and sick in your community.

laugh more

When you laugh, you feel euphoric because you take in six times more oxygen than when you’re talking. Laughter also produces a relaxation response: blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension drop below normal. Laughter is also like a pain reliever. No wonder they say that laughter is the best medicine. Laughter stimulates the brain to produce more endorphins.

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