• July 18, 2023

uric acid treatment

What is uric acid?

As long as you are healthy, your body naturally produces uric acid. If you eat too many purine-rich foods, it can cause high uric acid to build up in your blood. This condition is called hyperukicemia and requires treatment and is easier to treat if diagnosed early, in fact if left untreated secondary diseases can prevail and can be fatal. Hypericemia occurs when certain drugs or substances with high purine content break down. Purine-rich foods include organs like liver and kidneys, usually red meats including dark meat chicken and turkey etc, certain fish like mackerel, alcohol, and beverages like coffee. If you are not healthy, especially if you have kidney problems, your kidneys may not be able to remove uric acid at the required rate, resulting in high uric acid levels, which is the main cause of gout.

Doctors generally seek to control gout through diet, however, staying away from your favorite foods, such as a juicy steak, lamb, bacon, venison, or liver and onion, is obviously easier said than done. Unfortunately, the answer is not based on a fish diet because a diet high in fish can also lead to high acid levels, especially shellfish such as prawns, mussels, and lobster. Being a vegetarian isn’t the answer either, as some vegetables are just as high in purines, including asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, beans, lentils, and spinach. What is not always taken into account is that even if you eat nothing but purine- or protein-rich foods, this only contributes 10-15% of the uric acid in your body. Most of your uric acid is produced by your own body and through two different sources: – DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and ATP (adenosine-5′-triphosphate) In the case of DNA from the 4 bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) found in DNA, 2 of them (adenine and guanine) are purine derivatives. In the average human adult, between 50 and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Dead cells release trillions of purine molecules into the bloodstream. Some will be reused in the formation of new cells, while most of the purines generated by DNA are sent to the liver to be broken down into uric acid and removed through the kidneys. That is why liver meat is first on the list of high purine foods.

Regarding ATP, we found that it is a multifunctional coenzyme used in cells to transport chemical energy within cells for metabolism. The central structure of ATP consists of a purine base, which is adenine. ATP stores energy converted from glucose. And when the cell requires energy, ATP will release the energy by instantly breaking down a phosphate unit and converting to ADP.

In a healthy body, ADP will slowly restore energy by re-binding with a phosphate unit. But, when you are under emotional and physical stress, large amounts of ATP will be used up in a short period of time and there will not be enough time for ADP to recharge into ATP. Consequently, the excess ADP will be broken down and a large amount of purine will be produced.

A healthy body will naturally contain constant levels of acid between 3.0 and 7.0 mg/DL. If the acid level is 7.0 mg/Dl or higher, uric acid treatment is required.

In an unhealthy body, where there is some predominant problem causing high uric acid levels, such as diabetes, leukemia or acidosis, etc., it may not be possible to treat the underlying condition, therefore the only remedy is to treat the levels. high uric acid directly. .

Prescription drugs include those that stop the body from absorbing acid or drugs that stop the body from making uric acid.

Two of the most common medications include allopurionol and febuxostat, which are used to reduce or prevent the body’s production of uric acid. Probenecid reduces the rate of acid absorption and helps the body eliminate excess uric acid salt. Sulfinpyrazone lowers the levels of acid found in the blood. These medications treat only the problem of high acidity, not the underlying condition; therefore, if a patient stops using the drugs, uric acid levels will rise again, resulting in high acid levels as long as the underlying cause persists.

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