• July 17, 2023

Autoresponder Review – What You Don’t Know About Autoresponders Could Cost You Money And Heartache!

“The money is in the list!”

“The money is in the list!”

“The money is in the list!”

Of course the money is in the list. There is an absolutely perfect explanation for this. First of all, it is impossible for someone to voluntarily give you their name and email address if they are not interested in your offer. The incentive could be a newsletter full of great tips and advice for your niche, a contest, a free eBook, etc. Second, they won’t stay on your list if what you send doesn’t hold their interest. It’s as simple as this.

If you manage to create a great “bat” and develop decent skills in writing compelling emails, it means that you have earned your subscribers’ TRUST in your knowledge and they are ready to buy your product or click on your affiliate links. So yes, the money is in the list!

I’m not going to lecture you today on how important it is to have an autoresponder to drive your newsletters/autoresponder series. In fact, I’m not even sure you need one. If your list isn’t too big (around 20-30 subscribers) and you’re sending out a monthly newsletter, that’s not a big deal. You can handle this task manually.

What I want to do is WARN YOU about some potential pitfalls you might encounter in the future if you don’t choose the right autoresponder service or autoresponder software.

This is exactly why it’s best to do some good research on everything that is involved in managing your subscription list and not get hooked on all that marketing hype on autoresponder sales pages. Of course they will tell you that they are the best.

But would they tell you EVERYTHING there is to know about what a good autoresponder should do for you? The answer is: NO, they won’t. They won’t because their technical capacity is restricting them. Or because they are trying to lower the price of their service to stay ahead of the competition, their service development is severely stalled. But of course they won’t tell you any of that. It is not in YOUR interest. If they reveal the truth to you, they will never get you to buy their product. And if you don’t know the right questions to ask before signing up, you’ll find out what these painful pitfalls are the hard way.

In my search for reputable autoresponder software and services, I found some really bad ones. I’m not really sure if a website can be a “scam” if they deliberately hide some data from their potential customers just to make another sale. All of that resulted in wasted time trying to figure things out and a bit of potential sales that I could make if I chose the right autoresponder to handle my mailing lists. I’m not even mentioning the legal problems some people experience because they don’t know some simple but very serious rules to follow.

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