• September 7, 2022

a special start

As I open my new China Landscape calendar to the first page (I couldn’t find another Crop Circle wall calendar this year), I ponder for a moment, then look at the image of a misty mountain that illustrates January. The change from the old to the new. Where do I come from and where am I going. New years and new beginnings always tickle me with a little melancholy and fill me with new hope. And it especially reminds me of one of the most important beginnings I’ve ever experienced: the birth of my daughter, and how, during that birth, I saw her soul enter her body.

In the mid-1980s, I was still developing my psychic and mediumistic gifts and studying with my mentor, Sadie Nickerson. When I found out I was pregnant, she was excited, as all new mothers are. But then the morning sickness started, the tiredness women sometimes feel during pregnancy, the weight gain, and the general malaise where I can’t understand why all the foods I used to love so much just don’t taste the same. plus.

At some point in the pregnancy, it got to the point where I started having thoughts like, Oh my God, this is never going to end! and why did i do this? And there were the terrifying thoughts, where I realized that from that moment on, my life was going to change. My job title was changing from wife to mother: I was about to become responsible for another human being!

I felt excited. And a little scared.

At the first labor pains, my husband took me to the hospital and the wait began there. I don’t remember much of what happened for the next six hours, other than gritting my teeth and sucking on ice chips, but at some point I was led down a long hallway to the delivery room, surrounded by doctors, nurses, and beeping machines. and a creepy-looking tray of medical instruments. So much movement and excitement around me, and there I was, gasping for air and straining…every muscle in my body on fire…

Suddenly, everything stopped.

Lift your head. Lots of human activity in the corners of my eyes, but everything was moving in slow motion. The room was so quiet, as if he was listening to the sound of silence between two heartbeats. The doctor stood at the end of the table, ready to receive the baby that looked like another woman was giving birth. I was happily pain free.

Just above the doctor’s head, brilliant flashes of silver light danced merrily in the air. They fluttered like twinkling Christmas tree lights, then quickly coalesced into a single glow and descended toward the unborn child.

Somehow I knew that this was the soul of my girl, my daughter, entering her body.

I breathed easily and began to cry. Don’t you see that? I wanted to ask the people who were next to me. Everything will be fine. And I put my head on the table.

BAM! Time brought me back to the moment and my head began to spin. I heard a child cry and I thanked God, then I took a breath and closed my eyes. A new life was beginning, and mine had just evolved.

That was a pretty special start. And over the years, I’ve come to realize that each new day represents the opportunity for a special new beginning. You may not give birth to a new human being, but you may develop a new idea, meet a new person, or decide to put some energy into a new, healthier behavior.

But if you are going to be one of those wounded expecting a child in this magical year, keep your eyes and senses open. There’s a new soul out there getting ready to meet you. Welcome to this new beginning.

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