• September 21, 2022

Are you the biggest problem of your animals? The body-mind mirror of the human animal

“That’s creepy!” A recent client told me when I pointed out that both her and her dog had a problem with the exact same back vertebrae! I assured her that this happens all the time, and that it has to do with The Human Animal Mind-Body Connection.

Did you know that animals reflect you in mind, body and spirit? They reflect us Animals are spiritual teachers and sometimes they are barometers of our souls! So when they have a problem, they talk to us. The question is: are we listening!?

The Human Animal Mind-Body Connection is a deeper assessment of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual connections between humans and animals, and often serves to reflect back to us the lessons we are here to learn.

It has been said that more than 90% of our problems are based on emotional, psychological or psychosomatic problems! When we are in denial, disconnected, or dissociated, our emotional wounds are far below the surface of our subconscious mind. The world around us, our animals and our children, will reflect these problems back to us by acting or reacting to our distress.

Our animals know us better than almost any other being on the planet. They see what’s in our mind’s eye, feel what we’re feeling, and are often closer to our hearts than anyone else.

What is your animal trying to tell you? You have problems”? So, it’s time you started really listening to your animals! When we are in pain, they can be in pain too. Susan Chernack McElroy, author of Animals as Teachers and Healers, tells her story of how her dog got the same rare cancer she got. In the book, she credits her dog with teaching her how to survive cancer. That was what gave her the idea for the book, so she went on to collect other people’s stories about how her animals reflected them in some way.

So the human animal mind-body connection is about looking below the surface to find out what the real problems are, why they show up the way they are, whose problem it really is (and they could be!) both!), and what to do to rebalance the relationship.

“Just last night, I was looking at my sweet old dog who is recovering from having a tumor removed from his forehead, slightly off center and over his right eye. My gaze shifted to his brother, whose brown spots over his eyes are now misaligned .due to surgery to repair a wound over his right eye he received in a fight with another dog I myself had a patch of precancerous skin removed from above my right eye I was allergic to the antibiotic and now have a lump of tissue scar there. Last night, as the three of us looked at each other, it dawned on me: we, and our healing wounds, were actually mirroring each other! — Shelby

Our animal companions are, in many ways, our best friends, the beings who know and love us better than anyone else, who chose to spend their lives with us, helping us to heal, loving us when we are sad or sick, often showing us what the unconditional love means, and oftentimes showing what it takes to live life fully in every way… reminding us what is important and what is not!

Unfortunately, they also reflect our problems and hurts, reflecting our pain and anger, absorbing our hurt, sadness and discomfort. When they get sick or act out inappropriate and even life-threatening behavior, they are asking for help, telling us that the burden they carry for us is more than they can bear.

My eight-year-old cat, Peach, could no longer get up off the floor, could barely eat, could barely walk, was weak and very cranky. I finally thought I’d stop guessing what was wrong and just ask her what was going on. He said that he was helping my husband and me by trying to drain all the negative emotions that we were struggling with, like a kind of sponge in his own body. He had taken so much of our grievances, anger, and frustrations into himself that he was dying. I told him that he was not allowed to do such a thing, and he replied that it was the only way he knew how to help us! Which she thought was her job!

I told him no! I didn’t want my pain, grief, or anger to be carried around, and neither did my husband! We wanted her to help us by bringing us back to our center, our peace, our power. And from that place we were able to learn our lessons and heal our relationship, but that it wasn’t her job to carry our pain into her own body, which actually added to our stress and discomfort!

Once he understood and accepted his new role, he was restored to good health in just a few days, living to the ripe old age of 19 and a half! So the first question we need to ask ourselves is: how are we involved in the animal problem?

For example, with fearful or aggressive issues, often the human is subconsciously afraid, so the animal shows their fear or becomes more protective, which of course looks like aggression! Or the animal is reacting to fear, which is a huge instinct trigger for them, by the way.

When we look a little deeper, examining the problems of the subconscious, we usually discover something that we have not been able to make peace with. Then, through counseling and other healing modalities, our health and behavior improve!

I promise you that what your animals do makes a lot of sense to them, from their point of view! Our job is to listen to them so we can learn about their experiences, share their wisdom, and learn about any discomfort so we can take appropriate action.

Many Angels, Teachers, Healers and Teachers are dressed as animals. Do you know who you’re living with?

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