• August 11, 2021

Depression recession

Many are saddened by concerns about the current economy, rising gas prices, war, foreclosures, and the challenges of doing more with less. Everyone talks about recessive depression. Many worry because they now restrict their spending, including the start of the morning at Starbucks. After my TV interview on Friday about the recession and depression, here are some key points to keep in mind as you face these challenges:

1. Assess Your Situation – Check your finances, check your needs, and create a plan to deal with this transition as you continue to build for the future. Keep a positive outlook and avoid trading in crisis mode.

2. Focus on the “here and now:” focus on positive solutions and create a two-tier plan: one for the immediate future (the next ninety days) and one for the rest of the year.

3. Get back on your schedule or plan ASAP – If you already have a plan for tough times (congratulations!), Stick with the plan while balancing your needs. If you didn’t have a plan, write one for the short term and write down the main points for your long-term plan.

4. Avoid making big changes: Many people make drastic changes during a time that requires energy to stay focused instead of dealing with new challenges. Make immediate changes to help you deal with tough times, but avoid making big decisions right now.

5. Get closer to your circle of trust: Many people isolate themselves when they feel stressed and in the middle of a crisis. Reach out to your trusted circle of business partners, colleagues, family and friends. They are also dealing with difficult times. Look for support and possible joint opportunities.

6. Establish meaningful relationships beyond your comfort zone: seek other opportunities by creating new alliances. One phone call a day can add value to expanding your opportunities in collaboration with new people who are also looking for new opportunities.

7. Evaluate your intervention: see what works and what doesn’t. Shift gears if necessary. Blueprints are excellent blueprints, but they are not carved in stone, they are tools for guiding and should be reassessed as you go.

As always, stay healthy. Stressful moments ALWAYS take a toll on our psyche: our intellectual abilities can become less acute, our emotions can be all over the place, and our physical stamina can hurt. Continue to maximize the four pillars of biological health to build your resilience.

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