• November 20, 2022

Elegua – God of the crossroads

Elegua is the orisha that opens and closes all roads to humanity. He is the divider of heaven and earth. He travels between heaven and earth letting Olofi and Olodumare know what happens in this kingdom. Elegua is an orisha boy in some respects who loves to play tricks and tests the faith of man. He walks between night and day looking for humanity to prove his faith by the great Olofi and the orishas. It is said that there are 121 paths of Elegua. He ranges from a small child to an old man with a lot of knowledge. There is also a path of Elegua where the essence is of a woman. In more than half of Elegua’s roads, he is a little boy who sits on corners, mountain tops, coasts, hospital entrances, cemetery gates, etc. He has many names since he has been called Elegba, Elegbara, Legba, Eshu or Exu. Elegua is seen all over the world. From continent to continent he feels, praises and listens to the presence of Elegua. Inseparable friend of Ogun and Ochosi that the trio makes up the first group of orishas “Los Guerreros” to receive in Santeria. Elegua is anyone and everywhere.

Elegua is the guardian of the dead as well since through him he opens the door for the deceased to walk to reach Olofi where they will rest. In this path he is called Eshu Alagwana. In other religions or beliefs it can be associated with the Egyptian god of the dead Osiris, who leads the dead through the underworld.

Elegua is the one that makes you play at your own risk. By that I mean, he’s the one that if you’re stuck at a crossroads and don’t know which way to go, he’s the one who tests you and watches how you make your decision. If you make a wrong decision, Elegua will open the door with his garavato (hook stick made from the guava tree) to make you pay your consequence. While you are paying for your mistakes, he tests you again to see if you continue to do wrong or if you take the right path. If he succeeds and he takes the right path, he will open the door to happiness and fortune. If you have heard of a labyrinth, then you can associate it with Elegua. Our lives are made up of mazes to see which way we go. Elegua is the guardian who sits at every corner and turn of the labyrinth. If you make the wrong move, he will lead the way to the wrong result. If you take the right path, he will open the path you are looking for.

Elegua knows and sees everything. There is nothing that Elegua does not know. He is the messenger of Olodumare and Olofi, together with the orishas. That is, he is the one who carries the messages of humanity to the orishas and the messages of the orishas to Olofi. That is why he is the first and last orisha to be praised in every ceremony that takes place in Santeria.

Read more: http://www.agolaroye.com

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