• August 10, 2022

Gymnastics – Balance Beam Tips

Gymnastics is a difficult sport as it is. Competing in four different events against hundreds of other people in front of hundreds of people is not everyone’s idea of ​​fun. Gymnasts are challenged to show off their skills. The biggest challenge of the four events for many gymnasts is the balance beam.

What is the balance beam? The balance beam is a beam raised four feet off the ground and is 16 feet long and four inches wide. When the beam was invented, it was simply a wooden beam. Gymnasts focused more on the dance aspect in the past rather than doing somersaults, but in the current age much of the focus is on tricks performed on the bar such as front tucks, back tucks and ariels.

Female gymnasts compete on beam doing all sorts of flips, spins, jumps and jumps, but how exactly do they do it? Following some of these tips will help you master lightning.

TIP 1:

To do well on the balance beam, you want to make sure you can execute the skill on the ground first before attempting it on the beam. Building your confidence on the ground first is a must before performing your skills on the beam.

TIP 2:

A gymnast should not be afraid of getting hurt. I have fallen off the balance beam many times doing jumps and flips. You have to build your confidence and know that you are not going to be the best every time and that you are going to fall. Happens.

TIP 3:

Use the mats until you feel comfortable. You didn’t jump to start walking in a day; you had to hold on first. Using the mats will help build your confidence. The more you start landing your tricks on the mats, the more comfortable and confident you will feel. After you start repeatedly honing your skills, remove the mats.

TIP 4:

Ask for a place. Your coaches are there to help you. They want to see you mask your abilities. So don’t hide and be ashamed. believe me; You’ll be thankful you asked for help now instead of going into a competition unprepared.

TIP 5:

When performing a skill on the beam, take your time. Never do a trick if you are not physically and mentally prepared for it. The beam is too small to rush and could cause serious injury.

TIP 6:

Chalk is your friend. Beam makes a lot of people nervous, making their hands and feet sweaty. Using chalk can help prevent her from slipping off the beam no matter if she is just standing or if she is doing a skill.

TIP 7:

Always watch your surroundings. For example, don’t do a cartwheel while someone is running under the beam. Lightning is scary enough.

TIP 8:

The beam requires a large number of core muscles. The entire time you’re on the beam, you’ll want to maintain perfect posture, including a straight back, chin up, and on the balls of your feet. Holding this posture will keep you on the beam much longer than simply standing as you would on the ground.

TIP 9:

Practice makes perfect. Practicing your skills over and over again will give you the results you want. You will master a skill as long as you stay cool, calm, and confident.

The balance beam can be scary, but following these tips will help you overcome the fear and make the beam your favorite event. Like any activity, it takes time to become the best you can be.

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