• February 27, 2023

How to cure tonsil stones fast in a matter of days

Tonsil stones, or tonsilloliths, are yellow or white lumps attached to the throat. They are made up of keratin, bits of food, bacteria, and white blood cells that have died. While they can get bigger, they usually don’t cause any real harm, except for bad breath, coughing, sore throat, and painful swallowing. Fortunately, there are many home remedies available to get rid of tonsil stones.

1. Gargling with salt water. This is probably the least invasive home remedy out there and can be very effective, although it can take up to two weeks to see results. Simply gargle with a warm salt water solution a few times a day, and the stones should begin to dissolve. This will also prevent them from growing any further, as the salt water will wash away any bits of food that get stuck in the stones. Also be sure to drink plenty of water on a regular basis. Keeping your throat lubricated and encouraging swallowing is also a good way to lose some stones.

2. kill them. Using a cotton swab, popsicle stick, or even a toothbrush or one of your fingers, gently push and lift upwards and the stones should come loose. It is important to gargle with salt water afterwards to disinfect the area where the stones were. Never force a stone, if it doesn’t come out with a smooth production try one of the other removal methods.

3. Garlic, Fenugreek, Lollipops or Gum. The healing properties of garlic They are incredible. Try chewing on a clove every night before bed to get rid of tonsil stones. Garlic is also a natural antibiotic and will help heal any areas where stones are removed. Fenugreek seeds for about 30 minutes and drink a mixture of seeds and warm water as a natural remedy. try to suck a pacifier for relief The suction action is believed to help dislodge or at least loosen stones. If you’re concerned about sugar, there are sugar-free varieties available. Chew some gum. This produces an overabundance of saliva which will work to lubricate the throat and may coax some of the stones loose.

Tonsil stones, while not usually harmful, are a nuisance. They can be painful and cause extreme bad breath that can be detrimental to society. Try these natural remedies for tonsil stones to get rid of the pain and discomfort of tonsil stones.

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