• June 22, 2023

How to make as much profit as your wallet can keep up with opt-in lists

Fortune is in the list.

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that said, well, I’d have a fortune by now! 🙂

As “broken record” as that may sound, it is a true statement. Fortune REALLY IS on the list.

The fact is, if you have the knowledge of how to grow and profit from subscription lists, you can pretty much write your own ticket.

And, if you read the rest of this article, I’ll pass that knowledge on to you.

It all comes down to getting people to do four things…

1. APPLICATION. First things first, you need to convince people to “subscribe” to your list. That is, make them join your list of their own free will.

This usually involves giving away a mini-course, report, or newsletter from your website. All you need is…

– A title that attracts attention. (I could have chosen “4 Keys to Successful Email Promotions” for this article, but is it as flashy as “How To Make As Much Profit As Your Wallet Can Keep From Opt-In Lists”?)

– A handful of bulleted benefits. (A short list of 4-6 desirable things that subscribers will learn if they join your list.

Think “what’s in it for me?”)

– A subscription submission form. (Your autoresponder system will provide this for you.)

NOTE: The BEST way to get people to join is to embed the above mentioned elements DIRECTLY in the most prominent place where you will have the attention of your site visitors. Typically this is 3-5 paragraphs in your sales letter or 1/3 of the way in an ezine article.

2. RECEIVE. After your site visitors have “requested” information by joining your list, it’s critical that their emails are delivered correctly to their inbox. With all the filters in place (among other hazards), this can be quite a task.

One thing you’ll want to do for sure is check your SPAM score to make sure it’s in an acceptable range. Again, most of the best autoresponder services offer this feature for you.

You can also do things like…

– Get your subscribers to “approve” your shipments.

– Authenticate yourself as a legitimate sender when you receive a “response challenge” from protection services like Spam Arrest.

– Use alternative formats of your email messages, such as “downloadable email messages” in PDF format.

3.READ. When your emails successfully reach your subscribers’ inboxes, another task awaits them: getting them to open your message and read it.

This is going to depend on your “subject line”. It’s paramount that your subject line is intriguing enough to convince your readers to stop what they’re doing and take a look inside.

One way to do this is to create a scrollable file of email subject lines that have convinced YOU to read the messages, and then modify those subject lines for your own use.

Eg I received an email with the subject line “This affiliate tip is almost too easy” which caught my attention and forced me to read the associated message.

This subject line could easily be used in a variety of different niches…

– This diet tip is almost too easy.

– This time management tip is almost too easy

– This marriage-saving advice is almost too easy.

4. ANSWER. Once you’ve convinced your subscribers to open your email and read your content, the only “task” left is to get them to respond.

He wants them to take action. Click on a link. Go somewhere. Ultimately spending money with you.

The only way you’ll be able to do this is to follow a simple slogan I’ve been teaching for years: “useful, but incomplete.”

It simply means this: your posts must provide content that is useful to your subscribers (otherwise they’ll unsubscribe faster than you can say “oops”!), but it’s also “incomplete” in the sense that there’s any offer additional information that could enhance or maximize that content.

Eg You can write an article sharing “7 ways to make money with autoresponders” to send to your list. That’s “useful”

information to those who are interested in that particular topic. It’s also “incomplete” because they need an autoresponder service to put the information into action. That’s your cue to promote your recommended autoresponder service.

Do you see how it works?

If you want to fill your wallet with profits by using subscription lists, this is how you do it:

Get people to do these four things


– Receive

– Read

– Answer

This is a system that has never failed, will never fail. I have used it. Others have used it.

Now it’s your turn to use it.

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