• February 28, 2023

How to Modify Your Facebook Page to Start Sending New Subscribers Today

You can use Facebook to increase your website subscribers starting today. It is a good viral and social channel to let your audience know the importance of joining your list. Here are 5 tips for modifying your Facebook page to start sending out new subscribers today:

1. Bookmark it and make it viral

Use your website logo to create a strong brand on your Facebook page. Make it as an official page for your website. People will respect your website more if you do this. Also, you should allow your visitors to tell their friends about your page. Put something on your page that encourages people to spread the word about your page. Of course, you can always give them a small bonus for doing so. It will help you drive more traffic to your page.

2. Put a FAQ on your page

People want their questions answered before they join your list. Questions as simple as “what is the benefit of joining your list” or “how to join your list” need to be addressed on your page as most people won’t understand it. Put an FAQ page on your Facebook page to help them understand why it’s important for them to subscribe to your website today. With the existence of the FAQ page, you will prevent them from filling your page with unnecessary comments.

3. Use flashy graphics

Graphics really have a major effect on your conversion rate. People who visit your page will usually judge your website based on the graphics you are using. If your graphics are easy on the eyes as well as interesting, you’ll find people coming to your website and joining your mailing list. But, if your page uses an old design, then it won’t help you much in attracting subscribers. It’s a good idea to hire a good graphic designer just to beautify your page.

4. Use a strong title

Instead of using the usual welcome title, it is better that you use a strong title. This headline should be attractive enough to make your visitors want to visit your website. It doesn’t have to sound too salesy because you’re not trying to generate sales here. You are trying to attract subscribers to your website. So putting a headline like “Discover the latest IT trends today – FREE” will help drive subscribers to your website. It’s as simple as that. Don’t overcomplicate or exaggerate your title.

5. Experiment with colors

Different color schemes will give you a different result. You are better off experimenting with the colors on your Facebook page as it can either increase or decrease your conversion. A good idea is to use calm colors so that your page does not look cluttered. Also, matching your color schemes to your website’s color schemes will give you good results because people will instantly see the connection between your Facebook page and your website once they land on your website. This is important because familiarity will increase their trust towards you.

Those tips will help you attract more subscribers to your website more effectively using Facebook.

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