• October 29, 2022

Indigo Adults: What are these special children doing now?

Before I launch into the indigo adults, let me give you a bit of backstory. The title “indigo children” was originally developed by authors Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, who while working with Nancy Tappe discovered that her rare brain disorder synesthesia allowed her to perceive auras, or colors, around people. These colors were a representation of that person’s personality and essence, and I had never seen so many children with indigo in their auras before. Lee Carroll determined at the time that these were “boys or girls displaying a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before.” It was those attributes that marked these children as a force that would slowly change the world simply because of their inquisitive nature, rare insight, and strength to challenge established authority.

Ten years after his original book ‘Indigo Children’ and now we have indigo teens and adults. However, it’s hard to say where they are today, as there is a light and a dark side to every story. Neale Donald Walshe, author of ‘Conversations with God’ said that “indigo children have access to the human experience on a broader level, at a greater depth than most people.” But these are also adults who were often misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, medicated, and raised with the ingrained autocratic methods of their parents. A loving environment growing up is important for all children, and even more so for Indigo children, as they learn and experience in a different way than others. Some indigo adults have started their own families with a new generation of indigo children. they are lovingly nurturing in a balanced and harmonious environment. Others have never found their place in the world, have had difficulty adjusting to society, and have constantly felt misunderstood.

As you can imagine, Indigo teens would be difficult to live with if parents tried to restrict them with rules and regulations. Conversations that end with “because I said so” would have absolutely no effect, or perhaps the opposite of the intended effect. Dr. Jill Porter developed a ‘Constructivism’ learning environment for Indigo teens where her knowledge is built from experience. She also advised that parents take a similar approach with their teens and young adults by allowing them to learn and process on their own rather than providing them with lists of do’s and don’ts. “Indigo Children anticipate respect. They expect to be talked to, not talked about in or aboutsaid Professor Jennifer Townsely in ‘Indigo Children: Ten Years Later’.

Indigo adults are also now in the workforce. Company directors maintain that the new generation of workers is not like the previous one. These employees ask questions and do not give the respect they do not earn. In service positions like waiters and receptionists, the ‘can I help you’ protocol is gone. Instead, it is replaced by silence, an appraising look, and if you treat them as equals, regardless of the office hierarchy, they will offer you the same courtesy. Studies show that Indigo adults are less concerned with monetary value and more passionate about freedom, creativity, and changing perceptions.. These adults can be seen as lacking motivation, having a terrible work ethic, and not knowing their place. However, Indigos have an innate sense of self-worth and, while they don’t accept the oppressive attitude associated with ‘servitors’, they can be the best humanitarians if society stops judging each other based on their class, job, social position and, instead, treat everyone with the same treatment. same sympathy.

Nancy Tappe states that “generally, each universe age is accompanied by a preponderance of people with that color of life…this is the transitional Violet Age. During the next age, the Indigo Age, indigo colors will be the norm.” “. The indigo aura is dominating our society these days from children to adults. They are now in schools, in the home, in the workplace and have the remarkable potential to make a difference. Regardless of whether or not they are psychic or whether or not you believe indigo auras exist. We can all see the change in the world, where young people coming of age refuse to accept governments and methods that are corrupt, where ‘sit down and shut up’ is no longer a viable teaching method in schools, and where energy, The spirit and enthusiasm of children is now seen in adults who are slowly but surely making their mark on the world.

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