• October 28, 2022

Law of Attraction and The Cosmic Joke

Sometimes people ask me in relation to the Law of Attraction: is it really true that I can have whatever I want, as long as I think about it and it feels good too?

This has more or less been the message of the movie “The Secret”, and it is also the basis of many of the Law of Attraction teachings.

The answer is quite simple: yes and no. Yes, you can have whatever you want, and no, you can’t have whatever you want.

Now that really helps, doesn’t it? It’s part of what I tend to call the “cosmic joke”, or – to put it a little more respectfully – the “universal paradox”. In simple language: it is the difference between what is possible in principleand what is possible in your world.

I absolutely and totally agree with the message of The Secret and the teachings of Esther & Jerry Hicks, the Seth Books, A Course in Miracles, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, and many other influential books and people – whatever you turn your attention to , energy and focus will be drawn to you at the speed of thought, and that’s FAST!

So yes, in principle you can be anyone, and do and have whatever you want. In principle. There is no universal force that prevents you from acquiring all the riches, all the happiness, all the joy, all the material and immaterial gains that you could wish for. Why would there be?

However, here comes the first part of the cosmic joke: depending on YOU, you may or may not be able to allow all of this into your life. Note that I am not talking about attraction here, but about allowing. There is a big difference.

The second part of the cosmic joke is this: everything that has a upmust have a down. Life/nature/universe or whatever you want to call it is always balancing itself out and will not allow one “extreme” to persist forever and ever. At some point a counterbalancing act will begin.

As for the first part of the cosmic joke: attraction is always at stake. Always working, never failing. As soon as you express a thought (+ or -), you are attractive. On the other hand: allowing is another teapot: it has to do with your belief in being able to attract whatever it is you desire.

Beliefs are nothing more than a bunch of statements you make about the (=your) world, about things you take to be true in the (=your) world. Now, if you want something, but don’t think you can have it “just like that”, you may be attracting it – asking for something sets the attraction in motion – but you won’t let it come to you.

Subtle difference! If your desire and belief levels are not the same, you will have trouble manifesting your desire.

Simple example: If you really want to have a loving partner, but you also fear, somewhere deep down, that you will remain single until the end of your days, you probably won’t attract that partner into your life.

Or: If you really want to attract $100,000 into your life, but believe it won’t come to you unless you work hard, you won’t let the money come to you simply by thinking and feeling about it.


As for the second part of the cosmic joke: in the universe there is always a struggle for balance. Like a pendulum, after a swing to the left, there will be a swing to the right. Night follows day, ebb follows flow, sleep follows activity, winter follows summer (and fall…), and aging follows youth. These cosmic cycles are there to stay. Get over! If you want to be active, you will have to sleep. If you want to enjoy the heat, you will have to put up with the cold.

So in the same way. after a time of getting exactly what you want, there will be a time of getting what you don’t want. Even the Old Testament talks about it, as it talks about the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of scarcity.

This being the case, there will be times when attracting and allowing your desires to enter your life seems like a task of absolute responsibility. It just won’t seem to work.


That’s just the balancing process that we can’t stop, and that process is really necessary to be more clear about what we DO want later on! Can you begin to understand that?

To do?

Cosmic Joke #1 can be handled (not overcome) by becoming aware of your beliefs and the emotions associated with them, non-judgmentally, deciding to change the beliefs that dishonor to ones that honor them more, and beginning to look for evidence of the new belief that you have. have. I would like to hold

Nothing breeds belief like evidence! There are some really simple processes to change your mindset and get more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. I have used them in my practice with great success, and the “attraction point” of my clients has changed dramatically. So if you want money, start looking at where, even in minute amounts, it already shows up in your life. That will raise your vibration and allow you to allow more money to come in.

Cosmic joke number 2 is what it is; there is no use fighting it. If you can begin to see that “contrast” is actually a necessary component to your ability to attract anything in your life, you can begin to feel a sense of gratitude for all these processes. Deepak Chopra calls this “the state of grace.” This state will automatically help your vibration to rise, so you will quickly become more resourceful and before you know it, you will be on the rise again, attracting and allowing your desires.

Understand this: life is never about attracting only what you want. First, we hardly know what we really want, and second, it’s impossible, given the universal flow of life.

All you want to do, and this is absolutely possible with a little training and a bunch of practical tools I can give you, is attract MORE of what you want and LESS of what you don’t. This will make your personal and professional life richer -in every way-, more purposeful and more balanced. Life is already balanced, but now you will feel it too!

I am more than happy to help you on this journey. It will be worth it, believe me!

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