• May 29, 2022

Metaphysics of life and death

It is a deeply sad experience to witness the death of a loved one or young person due to illness, injury or age. Such experiences commonly cause setbacks or outright denials of faith and belief in God due to the perceived cruelty and injustice of the experience of dying. But instead of using platitudes or cliché expressions to sweep these emotionally difficult moments under the rug or to avoid the spectacle or thrill of grief, perhaps a little analysis would help keep this in perspective. Because surely, all of us will follow anyone who dies today sooner or later and in a short time in any case.

Estimated number of humans alive today: 6,560,000,000

Source: United Nations Population Reference Office and Population Statistics

Number of humans (Homo Sapiens) that ever lived: 106,456,367,669

Source: Population Reference Office

So in simple numbers then:

-> 94.5% of all humans who ever lived are now deceased.

-> 5.5% of all humans ever born are alive now.

Probability that all Humans alive or born this year will no longer live in 150 years or less:

-> 100%

This is not to make a gothic statement about death and darkness and that genre, but to state in clear numbers that dying isn’t some kind of cruelty on God’s part, it’s a hard-wired, built-in, completely inescapable part of being alive at all. this Universe. In a “religious” sense, this is why Adam and Eve ultimately had to die.

Pain and suffering is also something that often accompanies death and can by itself make those who witness and suffer cold in regards to Faith and Belief, but here again it is necessary to say that if somehow always prevented us from experiencing or seeing physical things, pain, suffering, illness, etc., we would not actually be sentient beings. Free will and having the ability to choose with the consequences, benefits, falls, etc. The resulting results simply require that there really is no such thing as a safety net for the Universe. And of course it is also very possible that those who suffer may be cured of their ailments and return to a fully active life directly as a result of having an actual state of free will that allows us to follow science and medicine and discover cures. .

Hopefully, all of this prompts us to seize the day and pursue the things that matter regardless of waiting for perceived permission or the “right time” because we, all of us, are truly on a limited schedule in this life. And with the state of having actual free will, there is great and deep meaning in our choice to believe and have faith: a choice free of any consequence or without any experience of pain or loss is really a meaningless choice, since it does not would make sense. context.

And finally, something else to keep in mind is that ALL the Prophets of God, down to the last (Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Zoroaster, even Buddha and Krishna, and Bahá’u’lláh) evoke either by direct statements or complete silence on the matter, a sense that the next life after this is truly something to behold and not something to be put into words; a completely unnatural thing (which prevents any natural creature, such as living humans, from being able to perceive or understand it) and yet totally divine. This being the fate after death, it is not surprising then that any living person and those in the process of dying have little or no sense of where death takes us, only that it takes us forever away from here. That is why the author thinks that developing the Spirit and creating a life based on the search for non-material discovery is perhaps the best idea in the entire living world.

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