• February 15, 2023

New Age SEO: Thinking Beyond Google and Standard SEO Tactics

It has become very fashionable to say that the content of a website should focus on the end user and not only on search engines. However, it is impossible to popularize a website by providing content aimed solely at the end user. Such an approach is simply not going to work. If you want your website to be found using search engines, you will also need to optimize your site for search websites. Simply providing content that is highly interesting to users will not be enough.

There are many people who are criticizing Google for having introduced the obsession with keywords and SEO. Now, Google has released updates that focus on content quality along with search engine optimization quality. Since this website has a dominant share of the search market, it is impossible to go against what Google says.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t handle the fundamental contradiction in what Google advises. It’s time you start focusing on ways and means to popularize your website without relying on search websites like Google. This may seem like sacrilege to some.

Others may say that popularizing a website in a holistic and consistent way is simply not possible without relying on search engines. Well, read on for some options that can help you spread the word about your website without relying on search websites.

Social Networking Websites

If 100,000 people talk about your website on social media websites, your product and service will automatically become popular on search websites as well. If your website is appreciated on Google+, this fact will also be evident on the Google results page. Creating a marketing strategy that focuses on improving your social media presence can help you minimize your dependency on websites like Google and Bing.

Of course, this is not as easy or as simple as optimizing your website for search engines. Understanding what social media users want and providing the same is much more difficult and complicated compared to standard SEO. However, focusing on social networks can help you minimize the negative impact of frequent policy changes introduced by dominant search websites.

Instead of trying to align your SEO strategy and your social media strategy, you should try to diversify the same so that one can step in and improve your website popularity when the other fails.

offline promotion

Trying to popularize a website in the real world is often seen as frivolous and unnecessary. If you get top rankings on the Google results page, then you don’t need to worry about off-site promotion. However, you can get the word out about your website through traditional print and visual campaigns. Trying to spread your product or service around the world can be a very expensive affair. However, you can use this option to minimize your dependency on search engines for local search engine optimization.

The time has not yet come to completely ignore search engines. However, it is clear that putting all your eggs in one basket and relying only on search engine traffic is not going to work. You’d better consider alternatives to improve your chances of maintaining your traffic levels.

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