• July 21, 2023

Preparedness for a Widespread Disaster

There are at least seven global or widespread disasters that appear to occur at some point in the future. A large asteroid hitting the earth is one of those seven. It is generally accepted by scientists that asteroids have hit Earth in the past causing widespread damage. It is believed that asteroids will continue to collide with the earth from time to time. Perhaps every sixty million years a large one appears that is large enough to have a global effect on the survival of living things on earth. The chances of such an event happening in the life of a particular person are minimal. But that small possibility is there.

It is unpleasant to consider such terrible things. But the best attitude, it seems to me, is to ignore, to a large extent, the unpleasant sensations that the subject causes. That allows a person to consider what could be done to increase the chances of surviving a disaster. In no way can a person be fully prepared. And since we can’t know exactly what’s going to happen, it can be an exercise in futility. But you never know, simple basic preparations might get you through some calamity.

And why not take the attitude that your efforts and interest in such preparation is something to feel good about. Those endeavors can be fun and interesting. The subject certainly grabs my attention more than a Hollywood movie. By doing what I can to be prepared, I am doing something that could dramatically make my life much more enjoyable in the event of a catastrophe. Disaster preparedness is an interesting and enjoyable hobby that could pay off big. Knowing that all the benefits of modern life are not necessarily a given, it is a reason to enjoy them more.

The seven possible widespread or global disasters:

1). Very large volcanic eruptions. Large volumes of gas and dust could be spread around the world. There is some evidence that this has happened before. Doesn’t that mean it could happen again?

2). An epidemy. There was the 1918 flu epidemic that killed 30 million people worldwide. There was a plague that killed about a quarter of the population of Europe in the Middle Ages. Viruses and germs are known to mutate and change. They can become resistant to vaccines and drugs, become deadlier and more contagious. Viruses and other pathogens could mutate into virulent forms that could be rapidly spread around the world by people using air travel.

3). Harvest failures due to plant diseases, climate change, or ozone depletion.

4). Climate changes, including global warming and the effects that may result from it, such as extreme heat, drought and severe storms.

5). Nuclear war.

6). Terrorist act that could have widespread effects. If, for example, a nuclear device was detonated in Washington, DC, and another leveled Wall Street, the effects could be unpredictable and could include economic depression, lawlessness, consumer goods shortages, and war.

7). Something unexpected. A disaster could be caused by a completely unknown event. It is unreasonable to think that we are smart enough to be aware of all the threats that could bring catastrophe.

There are many other plausible scenarios for widespread catastrophes. These include such things as a large solar flare that shoots radiation and charged particles toward the earth; an object such as a black hole that passes close to the earth; and a technological accident, such as the release into the environment of a genetically modified organism.

In recent years, large amounts of methane gas have been discovered at the bottom of the sea where the water is very deep and in places where the water is very cold. It is believed that global warming or earthquakes could cause methane to be released perhaps suddenly and in massive quantities. Methane is explosive and could displace oxygen causing asphyxiation.

Here are some things you can do to be better prepared for emergencies.

Stock up on food and water: About a gallon of water per day per person is a reasonable goal. Anyone can guess how many days it’s worth – you should use your own judgment on what’s practical for you. Know where to get water if your reserve supply runs out. Water of unknown purity must be boiled for at least 3 minutes to kill any pathogens. If boiling is not possible, add 16 drops or 1/4 teaspoon of household bleach per gallon and let stand at least 30 minutes. Smell the water. If you don’t have a slight bleach odor, repeat the process. Use bleach that contains nothing more than water and 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite. Bleach is more effective at killing bacteria, but it is not effective against parasitic organisms.

Choose long-term storage foods such as canned goods, dry foods such as nuts, seeds, beans, and grain products in plastic or glass containers. Most dry beans will need to be soaked and cooked before eating. Some examples of dried beans that can be eaten after soaking and without cooking are split peas, mung beans, lentils, and king beans. Wheat and corn can also be soaked and eaten without cooking. Peanut butter and vegetable oil are good choices because they are high in calories, keep for a long time, and require no preparation. Corned meat provides protein and does not require cooking. A multivitamin will help with proper vitamin requirements.

Stay warm: The colder the climate where you live, the more important this is if the power fails or you are forced to leave your home. Have plenty of heavy clothing and blankets at home to keep you warm. Have ready to put in your car, like in a garbage bag: at least two changes of clothes that will keep you warm, a sleeping bag or a couple of blankets, gloves, knitted hat and sturdy shoes.

First Aid Kit: The most important items may be soap to wash a wound, antiseptic ointment, and bandages.

Short-term emergency tools and supplies: flashlight and batteries, candles, matches, can opener, soap, battery-operated radio and batteries, respirator to filter the air you breathe,

Long-Term Emergency Tools and Supplies: All of the above items for short-term emergencies plus the above food plus: long-lasting LED flashlight, wind-up flashlight, wind-up radio, unscented 5.25% sodium hypochlorite bleach to purify water, sturdy knife and sharpener, salt, grain mill, food storage containers, shovel, blankets, rifle, and ammunition.

Tools and supplies for your car: gallon of drinking water, blanket, extra clothing (sweatshirt, long underwear, boots, socks, gloves, hat), compass, rain gear, battery-operated radio and batteries, long-term storage and light food, maps, siphon (20-foot, 1/2-inch diameter plastic tube), gas can, wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, portable light. Long-term and extras: bleach to purify water, shorts or bathing suit, tent (or 10 x 10 tarp, rope), ground moisture barrier, closed-cell foam sleeping mat, sleeping bag, bug repellent, sunglasses, sunscreen, soap, knife, backpack, duct tape, rope (ie, fence rope, parachute rope, mason’s rope).

Have a short-term plan: Discuss with your family how everyone will get home if their usual transportation isn’t available. If the phone systems are working, a person could stay at home to take and transmit messages. Have a location in mind in case you need to move to a different geographic area. Plan how to get there and what you will take with you. If you think you’re not ready enough, decide how to be.

Stay informed: Have at least one battery-operated am/fm radio with extra batteries. A wind-up radio that does not require batteries can be used if there is no power for an extended period. Emergency alert radios can receive transmissions in a long-term power outage where backup generators for am/fm radio stations have run out of fuel.

If situations develop that require long-term solutions, you will need other strategies. You may have to find and collect food from the wild. The very long-term collapse of the current supply chain would require you to be self-sufficient in repairing and making your own clothes. You may need to build a shelter using basic tools and basic materials. The scope of this article doesn’t allow for discussions of what you would need to know to survive the protracted collapse of society to how it was a couple of hundred years ago.

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