• January 23, 2023

Prince Harry – Numerology Profile, Astrology

Prince Harry – Younger son of Charles and the late Diana, Princess of Wales, second lieutenant in the Blues and Royals of the Household Horse Regiment, tank commander and State Councilor.

Date of birth: September 15, 1984

Numerology: 37/10 – Life Path 1

Life Path 1: It has always been associated with masculine (yang) energies, and is the potent force of elemental Fire. A person who chooses this life path has come into this life to learn individuality, self-sufficiency and the proper expression of the will. They can be fiercely independent and must be left alone to finish tasks.

Although they are popular with their colleagues, they are not team players and find it difficult to take orders. Ones frequently find themselves in positions of responsibility and influence. Ambition is a primary force in the One… this will often lead you to start a new project before completing another.

The teen years and early adult years can be an intense struggle for independence and self-identity.

Prince Harry has harmonious features.

Strong-willed and ambitious with consideration for others, courageous, organizer-leader-pioneer, individual thinker, original… they express themselves with confidence. However, because you have two number 1’s on your chart, you must be careful not to move into the Assertive characteristics of your Life Path number:

assertive characteristics

Willful, domineering, selfish, arrogant; puts own needs before those of others regardless of consequences; boastful, impulsive, hyperactive.

You also have the Line of Determination on your chart:

Resilient and focused on the task at hand, they are persistent people who bounce back from setbacks and shrug off problems as they pursue their goals.

Life Path 10/37: A person with this combination of life path numbers, 3 and 7 forming 10, will be sensitive, have a private disposition with a delicate energy field, and must overcome deep-seated insecurity.

A sense of confidence is important to everyone, but it becomes the touchstone of life for the 10/37. Due to a lack of self-confidence, most seek knowledge outside of themselves instead of trusting their intuitive depths.

Most of the 10/37 would rather listen than talk because they are afraid of saying the wrong thing. They prefer privacy to company, but feel the need to bond with someone. However, due to insecurity, 10/37s often expect a lot of love without much in return, and tend to depend on other people for strength. They may depend on a partner to feel complete or a job to satisfy them, relying on outside influences. They have mixed feelings about relationships with others; this ambivalence reflects their uncertain relationship with themselves.

Most 10/37s start out naively trusting and then withdraw from others out of insecurity and fear of embarrassment. By not revealing their feelings, they find or perceive that people misunderstand or even mistrust them. Working on the negative, they may have distributive dreams that reveal the dark side of their fear and feel repressed bitterness about relationships. They can suffer from physical illnesses if they struggle with blocked creative energies.

This is a sensitive and highly artistic pattern. Almost all of the 37/10 find emotional healing through music. They display a great ability to express themselves through art, acting, poetry, dance, photography, design, and many forms of creative expression. All 10s, whether 10/19, 10/28 or 10/37, have the special inner gift of extra powers of intuition, increased sensitivity and expressiveness, and also double strength.

10/37s tend to trust their mind over their heart, because the heart and feelings are associated with pain and mistrust due to perceived betrayals. Potentially, these people have a deep connection to love and the wisdom of the heart, but they need to trust their feelings, even if these feelings sometimes involve pain.

The degree to which 10/37 unconsciously expects betrayal, he meets betrayal in others and in the world. When they learn to appreciate their role in creating these dramas, they can understand the role others play in their long-term evolution. Then they no longer encounter betrayal in the outside world because they have learned to trust the larger process of their lives.



Borrowing from Mercury’s analytical quality, Virgo’s mind is always busy; dissecting information, scrutinizing it methodically to give it meaning and order.

Virgo sets high standards and, not always trusting others to apply the same criteria, often prefers to work alone to get things ‘right’.

The Virgo sign is associated with work and health; many of the worries that tend to worry them can result in stomach upsets and associated disorders. If they don’t care about something external, they will concentrate on internal affairs.

The only thing a Virgo should avoid at all costs is a medical dictionary! The other quality associated with Virgo is a youthful appearance, and as long as they don’t worry about premature aging, their appearance is often the envy of their peers.

In love

Virgo is known as the shy one: they hide in a corner at parties or get immersed in a conversation about their work. This sign can be incredibly serious, really worrisome, and very particular about just about everything.

In their relationships, Virgos can be a bit restrained and they are certainly picky about who they choose as a partner. They are generally less forthcoming in showing their feelings than other signs and need a lot of reassurance before even thinking about a long-term commitment.

Being ruled by Mercury means that they can also be good friends with a lover. Once in a well-established relationship, Virgo proves to be sincere and trustworthy. They show great concern for their partner’s happiness in an affectionate and matter-of-fact way.

Virgo lives to serve! Yes, here is a group of people born to be of service to others. Not only that, they are meticulous. Virgos are wonderfully efficient and capable of producing order out of the most spectacular chaos. Like Gemini, Virgo suits a career in communications or media. That analytical mind excels in investigative journalism, as a critic, or in any area where Mercury’s gift of words and writing flair can be put to use.

When they fall in love, they will put you on a pedestal; but they can also be terribly critical! Beneath a calm demeanor is a passionate heart, and you just need the right person to ignite the Virgo fire and create a true meld of minds.

They never like to be embarrassed in public, it can be pretty mean in private! You should also be very careful when it comes to criticism – Virgo is the master at this, but they can be extremely insecure below the surface. Because Mercury, the planet of communication, rules Virgo, this sign is always looking for a true meeting of the minds.

Virgo men secretly fear deep and meaningful relationships, basically because they’re worried they won’t last. They crave constant mental challenge and stimulation; however, inwardly they realize that their own critical and analytical characteristics can drive lovers away. Do your best to understand Virgo’s strengths and weaknesses, but never try to change them overnight.

So Harry gets a double dose of being analytical and not showing his feelings, as this trait is common to his numerology and astrology.

Girls usually like guys to show their feelings, so are all their relationships doomed?

Let’s look at his expression, personality, and soul numbers, to see if there’s any information a potential suitor could use to better understand him:

The following numbers are based on a person’s name at birth. It was quite tricky to figure out which name to use as there are various titles and names used for royalty. I decided to go with Prince Henry of Wales as his official title.

From his real name at birth we get:

Expression number: 9

Personality Number: 1

Soul Number: 8

The Expression Number shows you the best course of action to align with your life path.

9 – Nines are idealists and can be blinded to the realities of life. You need to be aware of false ego and delusion; tolerance and the attempt to help others are indicated by this number, and compassion is the cornerstone of 9; The fate of a 9 often falls within the sphere of humanitarian causes. You need to be a seeker of deeper truths but not let others take advantage of your disinterest.

Your personality number is how others see you:

1 – The biggest fear of a 1 is being ignored. However, when acting positively, a person with this number can seem frank and direct; self-confident and self-sufficient, he apparently does not need the support of others. They will often emerge as the natural leader of a group.

[Additionally, he has the line of determination which will add to his forthrightness.]

Acting in the negative: they may seem selfish; they can be intolerant of the weakness of others and walk all over people to ‘get their own way’; They have difficulty taking orders.

[I wonder how he got on in army!]

Your soul number shows how you really feel inside/your innermost drivers:

8 – An urgent soul 8 values ​​anything that brings beauty, meaning and benefit to the world. They crave success and are driven to take control in a wide variety of situations. They may feel frustrated and suffer from stress if their goals are not realized. Your challenge is to relax and moderate your goals in these circumstances.

Prince Harry has some contradictory properties to his numbers. For example, a Virgo is shy but is also a Life Path 1, tending to show dominant and leader type characteristics. Also, his number 1 personality can make him seem confident and self-sufficient, possibly a natural leader.

Because a Life Path 1 is here to learn how to gain confidence, they often start out at the opposite end of the spectrum, meaning unsure of themselves. And you can see that in him. He looks rather shy, but is also boisterous and lively.

Also your number 1 personality conflicts with your number 9 expression. You need to act with tolerance and compassion, but when you are stressed and acting negatively, you can come off as selfish and intolerant.

And soul number 8, which is usually about material wealth and power, conflicts with expression number 9, which is about being selfless and helping others efficiently.

On top of that, he has several different names that he goes by, being a member of royalty, and all of these will affect him and his personality traits, and how others view him. So, more than most people, the Royals will appear to be different at different times, depending on what role they are playing at the time, and therefore what name is applied.

So if there are some contrary features in your personality, don’t be surprised. Let’s hope he’s not a ‘mass of contradictions’, but rather a ‘complex’ individual, as we all generally are, with an ‘interesting’ mix of personality traits.

Ideally, Prince Harry would look at this information himself to better understand himself… but do you know anyone who knows him?

We all have various forces that pull us in different directions and they all make up our personality. That is why it is so important to understand yourself. It really helps to know why you are the way you are. It is rare for a person to have numbers that are completely harmonious, compatible, without conflicts. So it makes people contradictory, not crazy! It’s normal to feel uncomfortable and confused, until you come to accept and love yourself just the way you are!

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