• December 3, 2022

Relationships: Does some women’s childhood prepare them to give in to the wrong men?

There are women in the world who will be very happy to give themselves to a man, while there are women who will not. As a result of this, these women are going to have radically different expectations.

Therefore, there will be what the first group of women is looking for and then there will be what the second group of women is looking for. But no matter what opinion a woman has, it could be that way for some time.

the first type

When it comes to a woman who is happy to give herself to a man, that does not mean that she will want a man to dominate and even abuse her. What it will mean is that she will be willing to give herself to a man, without needing to be in control of what happens.

This is not going to be just any man; he will be a man he can trust and respect her. The woman will then choose to be in this position, which means that she will also be able to step back if she needs to.

key ingredients

Clearly, then, this is something that can only happen if a woman and a man are in the right place. If the man is deeply insecure, he has a need to control the woman and lacks maturity, it is likely that he will end up abusing the trust that has been given to him.

On the other hand, if the woman is also deeply insecure and cannot completely trust a man, it will not be possible for her to let him go completely. It will be as if someone behind her is asking her to back off, but she won’t be able to.

firm foundation

Once these parts are more or less in place, the woman will be able to let go and the man will usually be able to handle the power he has been given. Then it will be up to him to lead and make the right decisions.

It won’t be about him doing whatever he wants and completely neglecting the woman’s needs; it will be about him being aware of what the woman needs and doing what she can to satisfy her needs. And, when the man acts in this way, he will allow the woman to take a break and immerse herself in the feminine side of her.

a welcome relief

There is a chance that when it comes to other areas of your life, you will spend a fair amount of time exercising your masculine element. Whether it’s making decisions at work or having other things to do, your feminine element will be left out.

Bearing this in mind, when a woman gives herself to a man, it does not mean that her masculine element will be discarded forever. There will be times when you use this part of her being and times when you don’t.

the second type

When it comes to a woman not interested in giving herself to a man, it may be because of what happened in the past. Perhaps she has given herself to men, only to be taken advantage of.

So your feminine side could be seen as a weakness, and you may have even lost touch with this part of yourself. If she were to get into a relationship, he could be with a man who has almost lost touch with the masculine side of her.

Internal conflict

From the outside, it might seem that the woman is like a mother and the man is like a son. And while being with a man like that will allow her to stay in control, it doesn’t mean that deep down she’ll be happy.

Even though she will have chosen a man like this, she might still complain that he doesn’t stand his ground and lacks a backbone. Then it will be as if she has ordered a meal and once he arrives she will complain that it is the wrong meal.

another scenario

For a woman like this to have a fulfilling relationship, she may need to investigate what is going on inside of her and heal her inner wounds. However, while there will be women who will no longer be able to give in to a man because of what happened in her past, there will be many women who will even though they have been mistreated over and over again.

So it could be said that not only will they attract the wrong kind of men, but they also lack the ability to tell if a man is a decent human being. One approach would be for them to focus solely on the signs a man like this displays: red flags.

another route

Another approach would be for them to investigate why they are continually attracted to men who want to take advantage of them. On a conscious level, being with a man like this will make them suffer, but subconsciously, it’s probably what he feels safe about.

This can be hard for them to accept, especially since they will have felt anything but safe being with a man like this. Still, the reason being with such a man feels safe is likely a result of what happened during his early years.

back in time

At this point in their life, they may have been raised by at least one caregiver who abused them in some way. They would have been incredibly vulnerable, but this caretaker would not have been able to treat them the right way.

The problem is that even though this time in their life would have been very traumatic, it would have come to be associated with what is familiar to their ego mind and to this part of them, what is familiar is classified as what is safe. . So it’s going to be perfectly normal for them to recreate what happened during their early years, even though it caused them so much pain.


What this illustrates is how much of an effect a person’s early years can have on their adult life. Until someone investigates what happened and deals with their internal injuries, they will continue to act out what happened when they were younger.

If you can relate to this and want to transform your life, you may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be done with the help of a therapist or a healer.

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