• June 2, 2022

Shrink pores and remove pigmentation with Revlite laser treatment

If your skin looks dull and lifeless or has suffered excessive sun damage or acne, you may want to consider undergoing a Revlite® laser skin resurfacing procedure. It can quickly rejuvenate skin and reduce fine lines and pore size.

What exactly is Revlite® laser skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a non-invasive laser treatment that uses light energy to:

1. Gently stimulate the growth of natural collagen, which will reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
2. Restore skin from sun damage (large pores and pigmentation)
3. Remove dark lesions and sun spots
4. Remove tattoos

1. Stimulation of natural collagen growth and wrinkle reduction.

Collagen is the support network of our skin. Unfortunately, as we age we lose collagen and as a consequence wrinkles and fine lines appear on our face. If new collagen is generated, both fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. Apart from the face it can also be used for the hands, neck and chest.

2. Skin restoration from sun damage

Most of us will have experienced too much sun exposure, which can lead to increased pore size, skin pigmentation, discoloration, and red areas on the skin. Laser skin resurfacing with Revlite® helps reduce pore size, smooth skin texture, and brighten skin tone. Overall, it leads to a refreshed appearance and younger looking skin.

3. Remove dark lesions and sun spots

Laser skin resurfacing targets and removes brown age spots, liver spots, freckles, and other brown birthmarks. The most common lesions are eliminated in one or two treatments.

4. Tattoo removal

Revlite® was voted the best laser for tattoo removal by a leading beauty magazine.

How does it work?

During the treatment, a soft laser is used that passes light through the top layer of the skin. This laser heat stimulates collagen growth deep within the skin. The effects of laser treatment will continue even after your treatment and you will see a difference once the fine lines fill in with new collagen. The heat from the laser will also have an effect on the discolored parts of your face as these pigmented areas are broken down and reabsorbed into the skin.

What are the main benefits of laser skin resurfacing with revlite®?

– Unlike laser skin resurfacing, this laser treatment does not remove the skin, so there is no recovery time.
– Safe and comfortable since the heat pulses are very short and fast (and therefore do not heat the skin as much as other lasers).
– Fast procedure with great results.
– Minimal discomfort (just a tingling sensation).
– Low risk of complications.
– Can be used for all skin types, including tanned skin.
– Continuous improvement of skin texture and fine lines even after treatment.
– The treatment is easily combined with other cosmetic procedures for even more amazing results.

Are there possible side effects of Revlite® laser treatment?

The Revlite® laser used for skin rejuvenation is one of the safest lasers on the market today. As long as the treatment is performed by a trained medical professional, there is very little chance of complications. This laser treatment is also safe for all skin types.

What happens during the treatment session?

1. First, the skin is thoroughly cleansed and laser protective goggles are placed over the eyes.
2. You can then choose to have topical anesthesia (but many find this unnecessary).
3. Microdermabrasion (exfoliation of dead skin cells from the skin’s surface) is followed by gentle extractions.
3. The laser treatment then begins and an invisible laser beam is directed at your face heating the deeper layers of your skin.
4. The Gentlewaves ® LED treatment, which enhances the skin’s healing process, will complete your treatment.

What can I expect after a treatment?

You may see some slight redness, but this usually fades within an hour. Makeup can be applied immediately after treatment and you can continue with your daily activities as normal. You may be asked to avoid the sun and/or some skin products (such as Retin A) for a limited time after treatment.

Although you may see an immediate improvement in your skin, the results tend to show more gradually. It is recommended to have at least 4-6 treatments spaced 3-5 weeks apart for best results. Many choose to go back for touch-up sessions after that.

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