• August 15, 2022

Switchword Subliminals: A new and better way to benefit from subliminal messaging

If you do a search for subliminal audio Prayed subliminal messages in general, you will be inundated with results.

The use of subliminal messages to create changes in life is well established. It has been around for decades. I remember my first subliminal audio. This was back in the 80’s when they were hot my mom had tons of tapes so oddly enough I tried a few. She was still young and didn’t have many subconscious blocks, so the programs worked very well. However, as I got older, I found that they stopped working. It was only much later in life that I found out why.

There are audios to help with every conceivable problem. Audio and video subliminal programs took off exponentially and although it has slowed down, it is still used by many teachers. Even some advertisers use it. In many countries, subliminal advertising has been made illegal. The reason for that is because WORKS.

Most subliminal audios have affirmations like “I am wonderful just the way I am” embedded behind soothing music or nature sounds. The idea is that the subconscious mind can detect messages that are beyond the perception of the conscious mind. This allows messages to bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious. In general, this will work if you don’t have substantial subconscious blocks.

But what if you have deep-seated blocks and habits?

Well then, conventional Subliminals may not work, in fact they may make your situation worse.

Here’s why.

The subconscious mind, as we age, collects all of our experiences, many of them gleaned from hard times but also from good times. This collection of information is at the root of all our clothing, both good and bad. The subconscious mind creates a loop with this information. As this bond is strengthened, the clothing becomes entrenched. That’s why they say “old clothes are hard to die for”. The subconscious mind will make sure to keep them that way. He doesn’t do it out of spite, but out of convenience. Since we introduced these negative thoughts and constantly reinforced them, the subconscious mind did us a “favor” by making them a routine.

But here’s the problem. When the subconscious mind is exposed to positive affirmations, it doesn’t suddenly abandon bad thoughts and habits, try to embed them deeper. Why? Because the subconscious mind is fighting to make sure the routine sticks. Remember, old clothes are hard to die for. All those “affirmations” will be removed from your mind because there is nothing to prove otherwise. Just saying the affirmations is useless. All is not lost, one modality can circumvent this subconscious tendency to entrench habit and it is Keywords.

The keywords were discovered by a man named James T. Mangan. In his book “The Secret of the Perfect Life”, he states that the subconscious mind has various “switches” which, when activated, can produce certain results. Hence the name “Keywords“.

These words are single words and are often found in various combinations. They are, in many ways, one-word statements. Unlike traditional affirmations that contain statements that your subconscious doesn’t believe to be true, Switchwords bypasses the “interpretive” aspect of your mind and engages directly with the subconscious mind, making the desired result a little more automatic.

Keywords do not give the subconscious mind a chance to block out or interpret the words. It just turns on the state.

Another great benefit of Switchwords is that you don’t need to believe in them for them to work. You can’t say that about traditional affirmations.

Since both subliminal audio/video and keywords communicate at the subconscious level, a new technology was developed that combines keywords and subliminal technology. This brings out the power in both modes. I have been using them together successfully and I know others will find it useful as well.

For more information, check out the resource box below.

Thanks for reading this article.


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