• June 28, 2021

The Biology of Empowerment by Lee Pulos, Ph D

How do we know the things that we know? Is it as simple as the brain having memories that we access like a database file? Scientists have struggled to understand the origins and mechanics of human memory for decades, primarily because we can unlock powerful tools to shape our individual future.

Scientists often refer to the theory of “cellular memory”, the storage of information and memories in individual cells of the body and brain, and use the theory to uncover repressed memories. Finding out where we’ve been clarifies our future and, at the very least, offers explanations for behaviors, patterns, and routines that we might be interested in changing.

Lee Pulos, PhD, takes the theory of cellular memory one step further in his program, The Biology of Empowerment. This interactive audio and self-help program provides users with the tools to understand the scientific aspects of cellular memory and the practical reasons why it is absolutely necessary to have this understanding before making a positive change in your life. Without healing your memories and eradicating your unwanted behaviors at the cellular level, you are doomed to continually recreate your situation, no matter how hard you try!

The unlikely cult hit, “What the heck do we know?” explored this link between quantum physics and emotion. As the protagonist, a deaf wedding photographer, struggling with her own existential obstacles to development (depression, bad relationships, increasing anxiety), begins to understand that her poor decisions are influenced by malignant cellular memory and vice versa. After hearing from some scientists about the power of observation, and the effect positive emotions have on cells, she decides to break her cycle of misery by simply observing herself at critical points and making conscious, meditative decisions to both improve her structure. cell phone as your physical condition. mood. In the movie, this process results in a happy ending.

The biology of empowerment, as described by Lee Pulos, PhD, continues this theory and defines the tools necessary to observe and affect cellular memory. In fact, Biology of Empowerment uses pioneering research in quantum physics and physiology to identify your core beliefs, your main obstacles, and the keys to your future success. The biology of empowerment is a system designed to tune into the wisdom of the body and unlock its potential.

Before designing the Empowerment Biology system, Lee Pulos, PhD, founded his theories on existential healing and the physiocultural tools for success through years of research and personal application. It is now available to the public; so that we can all benefit from the innate power we all possess to significantly change our circumstances. Now, you can learn to program your entire being, your waking mind, your “unconscious” mind, and your spirit, to achieve whatever external results you want. With a little dedicated focus and attention, and advice from Lee Pulos, you can achieve the skills you’ve been looking for and become more self-aware, consistent in your habits and beliefs, and create the great life you’ve always wanted!

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