• July 27, 2021

The invention of man who is destroying the world

Money, finance, the economy, and the impending end of the world are all related and the reason is obvious. Greed and wealth creation are first and foremost on the minds of most of us who see nothing wrong with destroying the environment and taking everything they can from others. Their goal is to accumulate as much as they can while showing the rest of the world how cool they are. What they don’t know is how poor they are.

After my reincarnation and with a strong bond with the Spirit of the Universe, it has led me to see the big picture. In a moment that was shown to me between lifetimes, it called to take me away from the world and teach me what life is about.

It is a simple story but one that would be above the heads of most who try to understand it in light of religious teachings and the greed that has impacted the earth. This is our only planet we can live on and yet man is destroying it at high speed to make money and put it in the bank or some investment portfolio.

Can you honestly believe that this is the purpose of your life? However, it appears that is exactly what they were put here for.

My first commission is to tear down the wall of blindness and reclaim God’s people who are trapped behind a wall of lies and confusion. To meet that goal, it was important to understand how and why things have developed to this point. We are on the brink of destruction and the earth and all life on it are in danger.

That wall is built by the imagination of man and the false gods that have been created to explain life and death. In their efforts to be powerful, men devised heaven and hell and used them as tools to bind others to their opinions and dreams. If they could convince others of their own convictions, then they became true for them.

That is why religions are now so powerful and rich. Leaders know nothing of the Spirit and advance money to common sense. Through trade and then the domination of the rich nations became more important than life itself and all one needs to do is see how many suicides when faced with financial ruin.

Money is nothing! It has no place in the function of the world, except that the Spirit is using it to end life. Those hungry enough to get caught in their web are overseeing the disaster. That is in accordance with the prophecies in the Old Testament that promise that this day would come.

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