• March 4, 2023

The many benefits of using plastic pipes

Both ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes are typically used for pressurized liquid and potable water applications. UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) pipe is generally used for pressurized liquid and potable water applications, although, with the many benefits associated with the use of plastic pipe compared to traditional metal pipe, its uses are limited. rising in a variety of industries.

Lightweight and easy to handle, plastic pipes can be installed faster than their metal counterparts, as well as being made of a non-hazardous material. With today’s focus on sustainability, plastic pipe provides an alternative that is cleaner to produce and uses fewer raw materials. Plus, when plastic pipe reaches the end of its life, it can be recycled into children’s toys, garbage bags, and furniture (among other things). Even plastic that cannot be recycled can be used as industrial fuel due to the large amount of heat produced from relatively small amounts of material.

Easy-to-install push-fit and solvent-welded unions have made pipe installation easier and faster, eliminating the need for specialized tools and skilled workers to get the job done (which is a distinct benefit given today’s shortages). of skills in the construction sector). There are additional health and safety benefits from the reduced risk of a potential fire as a result of on-site cutting and welding.

Old buildings often contain highly flammable materials, and in many cases specialist permits are required before you can begin cutting and welding metal pipes, slowing progress and increasing costs. With plastic piping, complex configurations can be pre-assembled off-site and delivered ready for immediate installation. Consult our installation manuals.

Once installed, plastic pipes can be extremely reliable for many years without problems associated with rust like metal (such as repainting) that incur significant costs over the life of the product. Damaged components can be replaced more easily than metal, and plastic pipes are not prone to scale buildup in hard water areas.

Additionally, sound from materials traveling through the pipe is greatly reduced and can be virtually eliminated with the use of specialized plastic pipe in multi-occupancy buildings.

Finally, a major problem faced by those who work in the construction industry in recent years centers on the increase in the price of scrap metal. Organized gangs target construction sites in search of metals to melt down and sell. Once again, plastic eliminates this problem and can only be described as the clear winner as long as there is a suitable material selection.

For more information on PVC and ABS pipes and fittings, visit www.abwplastics.co.uk.

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