• November 13, 2022

The P90X Training Program: Classic, Slim, Doubles – Which One Is Right For You?

The P90X training program is made up of three separate routines. You choose where you want to start based on your physical conditioning and then you simply press play. The three options are divided into Classic, Lean and Doubles. I’ll give you a breakdown of each P90X training program for those who don’t get it.

P90X Training Program Options:


This is where most people seem to start, including me: the classic training program is straightforward and offers the best mix for those ready to build muscle and burn fat as they go.

The classic training program requires no more than 1.5 hours in a day. The longest workout in the entire program is Yoga X.

I chose to do the classic on my first round of P90X and seemed to get really good results sticking almost 100% to the workouts. My diet was not organized at all and I was not following the P90X meal plan. However, he did eat healthy and clean, that is, no soft drinks, sweets, ice cream, red meat, sugar, etc. I still consume sugar, but at a very reduced level, practically only in my coffee, that is my only dietary problem.

The Classic P90X training program will have you working out 6 days a week just like Lean and Doubles will, except you tend to focus on a combination of cardio and resistance training, almost 50/50. Does it look like this:

  1. Monday: Endurance + Abs
  2. tuesday: cardio
  3. Wednesday: Endurance + Abs
  4. Thursday: Stretch/Balance (Yoga)
  5. Friday: Endurance + Abs
  6. Saturday: Cardio
  7. Sunday: Rest

P90X Classic is ideal for those who are ready to start from scratch and aren’t looking to lose a ton of fat upfront before building muscle. The example above stays true through each phase with some resistance videos changing to add Muscle Confusion. Let’s see Lean now.

“Bend down”

The Lean training program will make you focus on cardio much more than resistance. This is a great place to start for those who want to focus on weight loss first and then maybe work on building muscle later on. With Lean you will be doing many more cardio options which in turn will burn more calories and help you lose fat faster.

I haven’t tried the Lean approach option myself, but I think it would be ideal if you wanted to condition and didn’t think you were ready to jump into the Classic. You will need to set aside up to 1 hour and 30 minutes for your Lean routine; the longest workout is Yoga X.

A Lean P90X training program would look like this:

  1. Monday: Core / Cardio
  2. tuesday: cardio
  3. Wednesday: Endurance + Abs
  4. Thursday: Stretch/Balance (Yoga)
  5. Friday: Endurance + Abs
  6. Saturday: Cardio
  7. Sunday: Rest

Notice how Monday differs from the classic P90X training program – it adds an additional cardio/core exercise to maximize fat burning and core strengthening.

Now what’s interesting is that in Phase 3 of Lean you actually do similar workouts to Phase 1 of the Classic. With that said, you can see how Lean is designed as a prelude to Classic and then Classic becomes what we’ll see next.


Alright, this is the ultimate P90X training program and for those who are already fit or already doing Classic but ready for more. You’ll see why in a moment. Now with Doubles you will need much more dedication and time, you will need to reserve up to 2 hours and 20 minutes some days. In most cases, you’ll wake up and do cardio, then a couple hours later or at night do resistance + crunches.

Let’s take a look at what the P90X Doubles looks like. (Now keep in mind that in phase 1 the doubles appear to be exactly the same as the classics – in phase 2 this changes by adding 3 cardio exercises each week and in phase 3 there is a significant change by adding 4 cardio exercises)

The example below is based on the P90X Doubles Training Program – Phase 3. I want you to see how serious this really gets!

  1. Monday: AM – Cardio / PM – Endurance + Abs
  2. Tuesday: AM – Cardio / PM – Cardio
  3. Wednesday: Endurance + Abs
  4. Thursday: AM – Cardio / PM – Stretch and Balance (Yoga)
  5. Friday: AM – Cardio / PM – Endurance + Abs
  6. Saturday: Cardio
  7. Sunday: Rest

Do you realize how extreme it gets? The biggest difference between Classic and Doubles is the addition of all Cardio. The best way to compare is this: in Doubles phase 3, you’re basically doing Classic with 4 extra cardio workouts a week. Pretty intense huh – believe me, it is!

Well that was a quick look at the P90X training program and the variations that occur. This is an overview, but hopefully informative. Keep in mind that with P90X and Muscle Confusion your endurance days will shift to continually bring intensity and challenge so you never fully adapt. This is the power of the P90X training program: choose yours.

  • If you are new and want to lose weight fast – Do Lean.
  • If you are experienced and want a challenge in addition to gaining muscle – Do Classic
  • If you’re a pro and classic isn’t a challenge, go extreme – Do Doubles

The choice is yours and the P90X workout allows for so many variations that there’s no reason why you shouldn’t push the game today. Take responsibility for yourself and your health, take action today!

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