• May 6, 2021

What Causes Penis Odor and How to Stop It?

Several recent customer emails have raised a common penis problem that most men are unwilling to talk about: the problem of penis odor. Even men who take reasonable care of their penis often come across an unpleasant, fishy smell which is understandably a source of embarrassment. For example, a woman writes:

My boyfriend showers every day and washes the area under the foreskin, but his penis always smells unpleasant; the best way to describe it is that it smells like fish. I tried to ignore it, but it really gets in the way of our sex lives, and falling on it is out of the question. Are you doing something wrong when you clean down there?

In reality, your problem has nothing to do with poor hygiene, and this problem is not uncommon. In this case, the couple was able to solve their problem by applying a specialized formula that contains a combination of vitamins and minerals for the penis that are helpful in maintaining the body’s natural chemical balance. While a bad odor in the genital area can certainly be the result of inattention to personal care, the following problems can cause a fishy odor from the penis.


Most unpleasant body odors (morning breath, armpit odor, smelly feet, etc.) are caused by bacteria that interact with body chemistry, and the penis is no exception. The skin is home to millions of microbes, all of which are covered in them. Most of these are harmless (some are even beneficial) and most of them do not cause any symptoms. However, when certain bacteria proliferate, they can cause that familiar fishy smell, even in men who carefully clean their genital area. This can be especially problematic for men without cuts, because the area under the foreskin is an ideal environment for bacteria to flourish.

Yeast infection

An unpleasant odor that is accompanied by itching or burning on the skin of the penis, redness or rash, and / or cheesy discharge can be caused by a yeast infection. Like bacteria, yeast spores easily grow in warm, humid places, especially in men whose immune systems are compromised, either due to the use of antibiotics or as a result of an autoimmune disorder such as diabetes. In this case, eliminating the yeast infection should solve the odor problem.


This condition, which normally affects men without cuts, presents as redness and swelling around the head. Itching, burning, and pain may also be experienced, and a foul-smelling discharge may also be present. If the area around the urethra (the opening at the tip of the penis) is affected, painful urination may also occur. Balanitis, which has symptoms similar to candidiasis, is often associated with poor hygiene.

Get rid of fishy penis smell

Eliminating the odor from the penis is relatively simple if these suggestions are followed:

1. Wash regularly with a mild cleanser. Avoid using soaps that remove natural oils from the skin, which can alter the normal pH of the skin and cause problems such as yeast infection.

2. Make sure the area is dry before putting on clothing.

3. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics like cotton.

4. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean protein. Men who are prone to yeast infections may find that eating yogurt helps prevent this common problem.

5. Treat the skin of the penis with a specialized penile health formula (Man1 Man Oil is recommended by most health professionals) that contains vitamin A, a natural antibacterial, vitamins C and D for immune system support and natural moisturizers that help maintain the natural flexibility of the skin. and tone.

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