• January 20, 2023

What was the secret to my success in making money online?

I am determined to succeed in everything I do in my business. You may be surprised to know that I failed at least 20-30 times or more before I got to this stage and spent at least $10k – $20k and had many bad experiences before I knew what I need to do to succeed. in my bussines

I started at the age of 21 when I first read about the book Rich Dad Poor Dad in the Army and it really helped me start running my own business. Back then, doing business was like a hobby and I didn’t take it very seriously (which 90% of businessmen always do and eventually fail). With the passage of time I became aware of the reality of business and types of people in general.

Oddly enough, I took what I love and know best and started an offline corporate gift selling business. But what really turned me on to Internet Marketing is this package that I bought about a year ago when I was curious how I can turn my current offline corporate giveaway business into an online business.

I was like many others and also like you who also wanted to understand and prove if this earning money online is really real. So I start shopping for more courses and looking online for resources to start an online business. Also, he was only treating it as a hobby business and it wasn’t really serious. But I realized that I was only one of the few people who bought the information and actually took action on it!

It was until January 1, 2007, I remember telling my boss that I was quitting my job and going into my internet business full time. At that point in my life I knew that this was the biggest change of my life and that I would no longer depend on a fixed salary (Secret: the richest people in the world have one thing in common: they have businesses and DO HAVE JOBS). All of a sudden, the things I do online started to change. I started to be more serious in my work and always had plans to think of ways to earn even more money or more traffic for my online business.

And it was very real and true that, strangely enough, many people who have ever tried to do business online will NEVER spend as much time as they do in a 9 to 5 job where they spend at least 8 hours working. Strangely, when people do business, do they expect to see results for doing just 1 hour of work? It’s strange, right? But when surveyed with my students, almost out of 10 students that I have, only 20% will take action. How strange was that result when they signed me up they told me they want results but with zero effort?

I didn’t really have a lot of options back then, but I would only stick with what I needed to make my online business work or else I wouldn’t have money to eat. Depending only on my savings remembering only about $2,000 in cash. I was constantly on my computer doing a lot of marketing online and I started doing some crazy things.

After 1 month of marketing, testing website and product creation. Guess what? Nothing actually happened! Imagine how you would feel when you do so much in a month but get no results and the worst part is that I used to have a mentor who even looked down on me at the time! My emotions and desires really hit rock bottom back then.

However, due to my determination and “hard skin” the next day I was able to get up and this key element of being able to recover is extremely IMPORTANT. He had helped me on numerous occasions to think positive and move towards my goals. I was very confident that what I was working on would work and I kept trying to drive more traffic to my blog and product pages as well. The truth is that the light began to show in the following month and things became easier to do.

Although I was not earning much from the online business, only about $20 or $50 from AdSense and affiliate commission, but I thought to myself if I do this all work out to only get $50, all that! What I need to do now is duplicate the system! Using the system I have created, I noticed that my traffic was growing by leaps and bounds. I was so hooked on checking where my traffic was coming from and I started looking for more.

However, the next problem came again, I got traffic but strangely no money coming in! So I started to study my system and modify it. I noticed that I had a lot of traffic, but the traffic I received wasn’t buying customers, it was driving the wrong types of people to my websites. So just with that simple tweak to my system, I was able to increase my income from $100 to $300.

At that point I was like WOW! I finally got it going! My students that I was training with started asking me, hi Alvin, what’s your secret. Seriously, at the time I was a bit selfish and didn’t want to share my secret as it’s like a gold mine to me. But as Tony Robbins says: “The more you give, the more you get!” Before I met Tony, I was always a person who liked to give and I always give much more than my experience.

So naturally I decided OK, I’m going to compile 47 videos on how I do it on my blog! That video product was my first internet marketing related product and amazingly people bought it! I tried asking my mentor back then for some credits, but guess what? Of all the people I asked, he was the most disappointed in me and even gave me the impression that I can’t do it… Hint on choosing mentors, work with mentors who really care about you! you and motivate you!

I started promoting my internet marketing product with my system in place, but it seems that it was not enough for my students or clients. They wanted more and more detailed instructions on what I do. I started thinking outside the box and decided OK I’m going to release a new product with even more instructions included for newbies and it’s called Atomic Blogging today.

Basically there I considered myself a total newbie and wrote really step by step like ABC how I would start a blog from scratch to really get traffic results. That product itself was out of stock! I sold more copies than I had with my first product because I already knew how to drive traffic and was really good at promoting stuff.

The key factor that I want to summarize in this article would be, regardless of what you do or what you have in mind. DON’T GIVE UP and keep doing it until you reach the final goal or destination you want. If you realized this true story I just shared was pretty easy for me to write as I’m just sharing my passion for blogging that took me to the next level of creating a product out of something I was really into. well. If it wasn’t for my blog, I wouldn’t even be able to generate a real report showing people real things about getting traffic. It’s important that whoever you learn from can show that they really did it before.

And just today I just checked my account, I’m happy to say that I’ve finally reached the 5 figure mark for my business thanks to affiliate marketing and I hope to generate a 6 figure income very soon. Just like what Tony Robbins says, raise your standards and push yourself to aim your best, you can achieve amazing results! I’m only reading its first chapter now, but seriously, I’m enjoying the book. Wishing all the people who wanted to start an online business great success, remember to never give up and keep trying new things.

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