• May 29, 2023

You have been Spiritually Awakened!

What is your life? What is the purpose of your life? Why aren’t you enjoying your life fully? Why are you so upset and depressed? Why do you feel useless and insignificant? Why do you envy the lives of others? Why do you care so much about the opinions and judgments of others about you?

Well, we can answer these questions by saying, “Because… you are not fully awake spiritually.” So, you may just think that you need to awaken spiritually to fundamentally solve these problems and make your life perfect. The reality is not that simple.

First of all, you have already been spiritually awakened. You have not been able to notice that you have been spiritually awakened because your subconscious has not been clear enough to notice the truth. Therefore, clearing your subconscious is the ultimate solution for questions.

So you may ask how you can make your subconscious so clear. We can answer the question: have the correct knowledge of your subconscious and practice correctly to clear your subconscious. When you experience selflessness or the complete unification of your subconscious to the ultimate subconscious (Nirvana), your subconscious becomes clear and gains eternity.

In the process of your spiritual advancement through correct practices to clear your subconscious, you will automatically be your spirituality and the truth. You will notice not only your spiritual awakening in the process but also the truth at the end of the process.

When reading this article, don’t get confused between the truth that will be recognized by your subconscious and the spiritual awakening that will be recognized by your inner or higher self. The truth is about selflessness. This means that you will be the truth when you experience selflessness, therefore the unification of your subconscious to the ultimate subconscious. You are no longer yourself but the truth without selfishness. By being selfless, you will have eternity as the truth.

Spiritual awakening is noticing elements of the truth before you become the truth. In other words, achieving your spiritual awakening is seeking knowledge and the correct answers about selflessness. Anyone must go through their own spiritual awakening to be true. Your spiritual awakening is a critical point towards the truth! Also, spiritual awakening is not a single shot, but several spiritual moments that gain wisdom about the truth of the inner self and the higher self.

What you will learn and practice with us towards the truth has 4 levels, as you can see in the chart above, “Spiritual Advancement towards Nirvana”. You can call an integrated level from level 1 to level 3 as spiritual awakenings. Remember that you have not finished your journey at this time! Once you are fully awake spiritually, you will have the most important level. Level 4 has to do with your subconscious to be the truth. While we will be clearing our psychological awareness through correct learning and practice, we will be focusing on our spiritual awakenings up to level 3 spirituality.

Do you think you can be the truth? Of course! Remember that you have been spiritually awakened and even you were the truth. When you were born, you had no selflessness for a short period of time. You could feel the disinterest all the time as you didn’t know how to distinguish yourself from others. For you at that time, everything was completely unified. You could not say that you have real consciousness or subconsciousness as these two different types of consciousness were identical at the time.

Now, unfortunately, you have been too well informed to be the truth. You have even forgotten your spirituality by now. Now you are living in materialism and full of misjudgments. Working towards the truth is nothing more than getting the right knowledge and practicing to make your subconscious clear enough to feel disinterest.

Now you may ask how you can clear your subconscious so that you can recognize disinterest. First of all, you need to learn the correct knowledge about your subconscious, spiritual awakening and selflessness. Without the correct knowledge, you will go the wrong way and not only will you never be spiritually saved, but you will never be the truth. You can learn that correct knowledge with other “seekers” through our programs.

Second, you must learn correct practices to improve your spirituality and clear your subconscious. You will have the opportunity to learn the correct practices and perform them together for better results with us.

Thirdly, you begin to search for spirituality and improve your subconscious by continually learning and practicing both in the circumstances of your daily life and in our programs. You will discover yourself gaining wisdom from the inner self and the higher self. You will find the true purpose of your life. You will find maximum happiness and peace in your mind. You will find eternity by being the truth by making your subconscious awaken purely.

Life is not good but great. If you believe that your life is not good at all, you are responsible for making your life truly great by working on your spirituality. You are already awake spiritually! Just continue to improve your spirituality and subconscious with us. You will find such spiritual breakthrough in your life and the eternal truth of selflessness with your subconscious. These are much better than anything else, such as financial success, fame, or materialistic satisfaction.

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