• July 29, 2022

3 facts about electromagnetic energy: the best alternative energy source for our energy crisis?

When you first heard about electromagnetic energy, you probably had no idea what it was. Maybe it has something to do with magnets? Maybe even a collection of giant magnets! Jk But if she had any idea about the true understanding of this energy source, she would be surprised.

Fact #1: Electromagnetic radiation generates electric and magnetic fields at all times. This is how we begin to understand true power.

Fact #2: It was first recorded by Hans Christian Orsted, a Danish physicist and chemist. He figured it out by using his compass and then turning on the battery!

Fact #3: There are 9 types of electromagnetic waves that produce energy and can be used for different purposes besides powering your home.

I am telling you these facts because I want you to know that this is real and not something fictional or a gimmick. This is an incredible power source that has been deliberately outclassed by unknown people, but there are theories behind it. This source has been used before by civilization and was also able to give them power. As to what the power was, scientists are still debating to this day, but we know for a fact that it has been used.

How could such a cheap and unlimited power supply be forgotten and disappear? Well, just think about that for a second and you should realize that the energy business is a trillion dollar a year business. That’s a lot of money to risk if the masses discover a free way to power their homes, cars, or anything else that might need power.

Slowly but surely, we as a great country are coming to terms with our energy crisis. Yet the government is moving too slowly to really change it so that millions of Americans don’t have to go cold, starve, and eventually die because there isn’t enough power to go around. You may be thinking that can’t happen in the US, but you are dead wrong my friend. Recently in California there was a blackout that lasted for weeks due to power outages caused by insufficient supply. I could go on and on with different cases of power shortages that are a real and scary problem for states, countries, and even the US of A.

How well do you feel right now that if the power went out in your home, you would be able to survive? That your purchases would last, your lights could come back on, or how long you could stay warm in the winter? Can you really say right now that life would be fine and dandy for you? If so, great job and keep up the good work. But if not? Join the millions of others whose lives depend on our power being provided to us, at a high and growing cost, but nonetheless.

Prepare now while we still can, because who can honestly say what will come tomorrow or the day after. No one who. So instead of waiting for our government or others to fix this growing problem, let’s take care of ourselves! Become independent and live freely off the grid once and for all.

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