• April 19, 2023

5 Proven Web Design Strategies That Impact Customer Experience

They can certainly ignore your site with poor website design, cluttered text, busy and distracting backgrounds that make text hard to read, unclear navigation, or a dirty home page that doesn’t fit inside a browser window. standard browser. There are many reasons why clients can bounce back and affect their bottom line terribly.

Seriously though, your site’s aesthetics, ease of use, navigability, and responsiveness are an integral part of your brand. Where you fail, you lose!

To combat this clash, here is a short post that will explain the top five aspects of web design that can keep your customers coming back and improve their experience that little bit more.

1. Presentation and Materialization– Your relentless drive to generate traffic will get you nowhere if the appearance of your website is not welcoming and attractive.

Modern website trends must have:

• A responsive design

• Big and bold fonts

• Parallax scrolling

• Impressive and impactful images of “Heroes”

• Rich multimedia, animation and visual elements

2. Professionalism– And where do you suppose all customer labels find home? It is at the heart of your company’s training, staffing, reviews, customer satisfaction, and cultural environment many times.

These four confidence-building values, if included, will help you dig deeper into the noisy market.

• Testimonials- Quantify your work in any way.

• Staff photos: Employee happiness goes a long way in reinforcing professionalism.

• A cultural page – A cultural page demonstrates that it is worth adding values.

• Environment: Placing the images of the state-of-the-art work environment is another element that your web design can offer.

3. Understandability and clarity– Your site should be as lucid as possible. Visitors must be able to quickly find what they are looking for. This could certainly happen by improving navigability.

The best-known styles that are fashionable in seaworthiness are:

• Breadcrumbs

• Dropdown menu

• Hamburger menu

• Centered layout navigation

• Menu powered by Parallax

• Footer Navigation

4. Page load time– The loading time plays a very important role in the arrival of customers to a website. A 3 second wait and the customer will leave your site and jump to your competitor’s website. The website should then load in no time.

So how can you reduce the loading time of your site? Here’s the pro tip:

• Optimize image sizes and CSS delivery

• Minimize HTTP requests

• Reduce server response time

• Enable compression

• Minimize resources

• Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site

• Reduce redirects.

5. Conversions– The chain of building a brand and making it successful eventually ends at no. of conversions. Web design can impact conversions, and to brag about it, here are three takeaways:

• Use contrasting color to highlight sales propositions

• KISS principle: keep it simple, stupid.

• Adding human faces helps visitors engage with your business and makes them feel more comfortable connecting with you.

By using the five web design and development techniques mentioned above, you can succeed in improving the customer experience.

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