• August 4, 2022

5 Surefire Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection in Cats to Watch Out For

Have you ever wondered how to tell if your cat has a urinary tract infection? At first, it can be difficult to tell that your cat is suffering from a UTI, as cats are very tolerant of pain. However, there are some symptoms of urinary tract infections in cats that are serious red flags. The 5 symptoms listed are sure signs that your cat is suffering from a UTI or urethral obstruction, so keep an eye out for them.

1. Of all the urinary symptoms in cats, the most common are urinating in inappropriate places and urinating outside the litter box. Sometimes age can be a factor, as older cats often suffer from urinary incontinence, but it’s safe to say that if you notice your cat peeing outside his litter box frequently, a bladder infection is the cause . This happens because your cat associates the pain of urinating with the litter box. An obstruction of the urethra can also cause this symptom. It is important that you help your cat heal and return to normal through a healthy diet, lifestyle and homeopathic treatment.

2. Other cat urinary tract infection symptoms to watch out for include foul-smelling urine. Cats that have foul-smelling urine likely have a pH imbalance and bacteria in their urinary tract. The bacteria infect the urinary tract and make the urine smell bad. If not treated quickly, the condition could have serious consequences for your cat’s health. Make sure your cat drinks plenty of fresh, filtered water to flush out harmful bacteria.

3. If your cat’s abdomen is tender and you notice other fishy cat urinary symptoms, you can be almost certain that your cat is suffering from a UTI. Bladder inflammation can occur in both male and female cats. The best way to alleviate this painful symptom is through the administration of a homeopathic remedy. Also make sure your cat has a healthy diet and a stress-free lifestyle so symptoms don’t flare up.

4. Blood in the urine is a definite sign that your cat is suffering from a serious infection, crystals in the urinary tract, or a condition such as fatty liver disease. It will cause your cat pain when urinating and the condition can be especially life-threatening for older cats. Be sure to take your cat to the vet if he notices blood in his urine. If you’re not sure, have your cat urinate on a light-colored surface so he can detect traces of blood. Cat urinary tract infection symptoms like this need immediate attention.

5. Does your cat cry more than usual? Does he or she lick his or her genitals frequently? These cat urinary symptoms could be a sign that she is in pain and is trying to calm it down. Infections, obstruction of the urethra, or inflammation can cause this type of pain.

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