• November 28, 2022

Child Diet/Nutrition

In India a meal consists of iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals in one dish. Wheat bread (chapatis) rich in calcium, Rice and legumes cooked with saturated fats rich in carbohydrates and iron, green leafy vegetables and a salad rich in fiber, accompanied by various types of spices in generous amounts help in growth and fight diseases . It is a healthy food that every Indian consumes daily.

Be like a greedy caterpillar to become a flying butterfly, feed your child as much as you can at the right age and let them grow up to become a flying butterfly, a colorful butterfly. A baby requires an adequate amount of energy and nutrition to develop into a healthy child.

Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, middle schoolers, elementary schoolers, tweens, and teens need a large amount of nutrition in a day. Meet the correct amount of calories, iron, calcium, protein, etc. every day are the problems that every mother encounters every day during motherhood. This is a big challenge in the life of every mother and especially when it comes to a child’s diet. Big or small, every age group needs the same amount of nutrition for a healthy mind and body.

When a baby is breastfeeding, there is nothing to worry about their diet because they receive all their nutrition from the mother’s milk. Breastfeeding is highly recommended worldwide for at least two years. Unfortunately, breastfeeding is decreasing day by day. Educate young mothers and encourage them to feed their young through breastfeeding and to have increasingly nutritious foods that build good health for the child and the mother as well.

The adequate amount of Calories, Iron, Calcium, Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals, Fibers and fats recommended for each age group; It can only be possible with the help of the family to put a child on a healthy diet.

To start a good and healthy life, a young child is given the right amount of diet every day, a food court or a diet chart to follow. A child under 5 years of age should receive vitamins and minerals, vitamins such as A and D, iron and calcium, proteins such as cow’s milk is a rich source of protein and other nutrients, as it provides a child with vitamin A and energy.

In India, a growing child is given a mixture of sprouted cereals and powdered pulses, mixed with milk and sugar, which is a good source of iron and calcium. A growing child needs a diet rich in calcium such as wheat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, milk and milk products, brown sugar and peanuts are also a rich source of iron if eaten together.

Calcium intake is also very necessary for the growth of a child’s bones and teeth. Jaggery is the best alternative to sugar. Fiber foods like plain breads, green leafy vegetables, fruits, and baked beans aid digestion, as constipation is common in young children.

The normal cooking method is still practiced in India, which has a better effect on infant nutrition.

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