• November 10, 2022

Don’t get it back!

We’ve all seen a lot of celebrities struggle with their weight: they need to stay in top shape and then they just can’t keep it off. Right before our eyes, on public display, they bare their souls about their struggles. Many of us can identify and as hard as we try, this challenge becomes more and more daunting and difficult to conquer.

Are here five tips about how you can get it and avoid it. Being able to use your wardrobe easily, year after year. Let’s take you back to your tight jeans and keep you there. Talk about true freedom!

Tip #1: Stay connected with the qualified professional who helped you lose weight in the first place. It is very important to have a strategy and surround yourself with the people who helped you succeed before. Let me be honest: It’s hard to maintain your good eating, exercise, and self-care habits on your own. It simply is!

We are constantly exposed to triggers in our environment that easily throw us off track and distract us from taking care of ourselves. It is important to have someone who can help you. stay empowered, inspired and successful for the long haul.

Tip #2: take things off your plate. This is especially true for women reading or listening to this today. We women tend to exaggerate things and feel virtuous and seemingly “blameless” in saying YES to everything and everyone. I encourage you to give up this habit as soon as possible. I have found that the most successful people in my programs are those who focus more on their wants and needs first, before focusing on the wants and needs of others, whether in their personal or professional lives.

what happens is that when you are taking care of you, a miracle happens. Everyone else seems to be fine and maybe even healthier too. As you begin to take better care of yourself, those close to you are inspired to do the same. Now there is no guarantee that this will happen; however, surprisingly, I see this happening a lot. So stop doing for others, fixing other people’s problems and start to focus on yourself. You owe it to yourself. Unless you’re dealing with young children or elderly parents, everyone else can take care of themselves more than you think they can. Trust me, I see this happening every day.

Tip #3: Make sure you reward yourself with things other than food or alcohol. There are so many others non-caloric forms Give yourself a thank you gift for a job well done, or for something you’ve accomplished, a massage, a new scarf, a new belt, a new piece of jewelry, a walk on the beach, a concert, a belly dance class – why no?

I just started ballroom dancing again (I tried it a couple of years ago). Even though I had always taken dance classes most of my life, ballet, modern, jazz, and most recently hip-hop, which I loved (and didn’t think I would). I thought I’d add some “new steps” to my directory. You know that learning a new activity is not only good for your waistline but also for your mind and your confidence. So go ahead and give yourself a healthy reward. It will be satisfying in many more ways than eating a bag of M&M’s.

Tip #4: Eat real, whole, fresh foods the more you can. They’re packed with the things you need and won’t leave you hungry or feeling deprived because they provide the nutrients you need to stay slim and healthy. I have never been a big fan of packaged, processed, or altered foods. There isn’t much to these artificial, bagged and boxed foods, which I sometimes refer to simply as “good-tasting carton,” and the “good-tasting” component is questionable, of course.

The closer a food is to its natural state or as I always say, “closer to mother nature“, the better it is for you. You can’t get much fuel for your mind and body from empty calories. Even if a whole-grain food seems to have more calories, like a sirloin steak, compared to a box of crackers you’ll always be ahead of the game with real food versus packaged food.

Consider staying away from packaged “diet foods,” as eating these types of foods actually prevents you from learning how to cook healthy foods. Often these prepackaged foods are loaded with sodium and other additives. So think healthy, not necessarily a quick fix.

Tip #5: Get moving. you have to move. There is no way around this. Find something that doesn’t feel like work but is a lot of fun. Like I just did with ballroom dancing. Yes, that’s right, exercise can be fun (just like eating right can be fun too). Make sure you do something every day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

You need make this a habit. It’s good for your brain to help with stress reduction taking a simple break in your day. Have things around you that encourage you to move, like weights or pictures of you doing yoga. That’s what I have on my vision board, which I see every day. I also have a recumbent bike, free weights, balls and bands at home, and a beautiful neighborhood to walk to if I so choose. Don’t just plan to go to the gym one daytake the first step and then stick with it. And also mix it up a bit. Don’t always do the same thing every day. Try something new, so you can work different muscle groups and keep it interesting.

These are the tips that will prevent you from following the same path that some famous people have followed. Do this and you will always be in excellent shape: mind, body and spirit!

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