• June 26, 2023

Enter the world of programming with Python Training

Engineering curricula in India suggest that universities start programming classes for students with C, followed by C++ and Java. This has created the assumption that ‘C’ initiates coding lessons for freshmen. A simple metaphor would help you better understand the difference between starting programming lessons with C and Python. Learning to program with C or C++ is like trying to drive by learning to make, assemble, and then use a car.

You will eventually learn to drive, but at the cost of unnecessary pressure and information a little sooner than required. However, if one starts with Python training, it would be like learning to drive on automatic. So you don’t need to know how the engine works, how to assemble it, what your car can and can’t do and so on. The only thing you can do initially is what you need to do, that is, schedule. Then comes the technical aspects.

Python can be used to process anything that can be stored on a computer, such as numbers, text, data, images, statistics, etc. Its easy to use feature will keep programmers engaged and excited as they start learning Python. It has become famous for its features like easy indentation, naming conventions, modularity, etc. Python is widely used in the daily operations of Google, NASA, the New York Stock Exchange, and our favorite video-sharing website, YouTube. Not just industry bigwigs, Python is widely used even in commercial, government, and non-government organizations as well.

Python is called an interpreted language. This means that code written in Python is converted to computer-readable code at program runtime. Initially, Python was called a scripting language, which suggests its use only for trivial jobs. But as time progressed, its user-friendly features began to appear, making it the most widely used language for writing large programs. The 4 characteristics that created such a high demand for Python training are:

High level language: Python is a high level language. It means that it provides a level of abstraction that helps you focus on the algorithms and functionality of the code. You don’t have to worry about low-level details like manual memory management etc. Plus, there’s a huge library of pre-coded functionality for almost any need.

Dynamic: The main aspect that makes Python a friendly language is its runtime. Features like dynamic typing, easy introspection, and reflection make coding easier and reduce programming time.

Expressive syntax: Expressive syntax includes: how easy it is to express an idea and how concisely you can do it. Python training allows you to write complex code in just a few lines while keeping its readability intact.

Readability: It is the key strength of Python. Instead of braces, the indentation helps make the program easier to read and understand. Well-indented code delimits the blocks of code in a program. It is very important to write or understand a code.

Therefore, with the above features, the Python training can work very well as a tutorial course for the first-year students. It allows them to focus on problem decomposition and data type design instead of dealing with trivial implementation problems. Concepts such as procedures, loops, or user-defined objects can be instilled in their brains from the first course.

It can be stated as a conclusion that Python is a cooler yet powerful language, which allows beginners to focus on algorithms, abstracting out low-level implementation details, making it the best first programming language.

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