• September 4, 2021

Ghosts of Alcatraz

Alcatraz was supposed to be a prison for America’s worst prisoners. But even before the prison department took over the island, the military used it as a place to hold prisoners from the civil war.

Over the years, there have been many ghost stories and sightings associated with the place. Legend has it that even before the military used it, Native Americans avoided the place because they believed it was home to evil spirits.

Some of the most reported haunted locations on Alcatraz are the warden’s house, hospital, laundry and service door to cell block C, where convicts Coy, Cretzer and Hubbard were killed during their escape attempt. The most haunted place is cell block D, or the “loner” as it was called. What is peculiar about block D is that the area is intensely cold, particularly cell 14-D; sometimes it is 20 degrees cooler than the surrounding areas.

Cell Block D’s most horrible story is about a convict who started screaming the moment he was thrown into one of the cells. It is said that there was something with glowing eyes inside the cell with him. The guards, however, ignored the screams and after a while the convict stopped screaming. In the morning, the convict was found dead with finger marks around his neck. Since then, many visitors and guards have reported seeing the glowing eyes in different parts of the prison.

Various guards from 1946 to 1963 have reported seeing extraordinary things from time to time, from sobbing women to horrible smells. On occasion, ghost prisoners have also appeared in front of the guards and their families.

Over the years, many psychics have come to the island prison and all have experienced an intense sense of energy and dissatisfaction. Some claim to have had conversations with tortured and dissatisfied souls, while others claim that the ghosts touched and hurt them.

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