• September 4, 2021

Invent 101 – Learn the invention process

What is an invention? To briefly define its meaning, invention is a product or idea conceptualized by an inventor through his productive imagination. Once an invention has materialized, it can bring fame and profit.

Inventing is an extraordinary talent and it can be a very rewarding experience, especially if it benefits many people. It basically involves three basic processes; evaluation, patenting and commercialization. It may seem easy, but the truth is that it is not. Unfortunately, there are some aspiring inventors who fail to bring their ideas to life because they ignore the importance of evaluating the potential success of their invention and skip the necessary steps they should take early on.

To get started with your future inventions, you must learn and follow these fundamental processes;

1. Don’t try to generate ideas. Take your time, make it fun, and enjoy what you are doing.

2. Keep evaluating and researching the potential success of your invention. The Internet, magazines, and local stores are great sources where you can explore ideas and get competitive searches.

3. Always have a pencil and paper handy. Ideas can come up at any time or can be easily forgotten. So be sure to bring these two things with you so that you can write down what you have in mind or what you find as you do your research.

4. Improve your idea and bring it to life. This is the most exciting part of the invention process. But you need to understand that this is a period when you have to spend a certain amount, so you need to be 100% sure that you are satisfied with your evaluation, research and studies before the development procedure.

5. Protect your discovery through an invention disclosure. Make sure you follow the correct patent process to avoid costly mistakes, or you could also get the help and advice of an attorney.

6. The final part is to sell your invention. If you plan to sell your invention to a company or manufacturers, make sure you have a reliable patent and present them with a nice proposition on how they will benefit from acquiring your product.

Cool invention ideas have an extreme impact on our socio-economic movement. It is challenge and experience that keep an aspiring inventor fighting for the best invention that can become a million dollar idea. It may take a long process, effort, and frustration, but if you are confident that your invention can work well, the result and reward can definitely make up for your hard work.

It is essential that inventors understand the essential processes of invention before proceeding with patent application, research and commercialization. Anyone can express an idea, but for an idea to become authentic, one must take the initiative to make it come true while accepting the possibilities regardless of the situation. Also, it would be wise to let an invention consulting company discuss your new invention ideas, as they can provide a comprehensive report on the potential success of your discovery.

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