• May 18, 2021

House Cleaning: 10 Smart Strategies to Make Your Home Dustproof

Let’s face it, there aren’t many people who can say that they love to dust their home. Cleaning the house is one of the things that people like least in their living space. Unfortunately, that is something that cannot be avoided. House cleaning is one of the most important things you can do in your home to stay happy, healthy, and on top of your game.

People are always looking for the easiest and most efficient ways to do house cleaning and the lightning speed is no less. Below is a list of 10 smart strategies to dustproof your home. With the tips below, you’ll be well on your way to cleaning the house out of the way so you can focus on other, more important areas of your life.

1. Decorate to keep dust away. One of the best things you can do for your home is to decorate with things that do not hold dust. Tiny figurines that have lots of curves and corners can make a great home for dust bunnies to take up residence in your home. These dust bunnies can go unnoticed, as many people don’t thoroughly dust these figures weekly or even monthly, so the dust just settles in the cracks and builds up week after week.

two. Keep the floors simple. Many people are starting to opt for tile or hardwood floors as they are much easier and cleaner to have in a home. Carpeted floors will retain more dirt and animal dander that can make many people sick. Hard floors are much easier to care for just by sweeping and mopping. You don’t need to shampoo and vacuum your rugs, as that can put more dust and particles into the air.

3. Use air purifiers as they can reduce the amount of dust in the air.

Four. Dehumidifiers are great for removing moisture. in the air that can make your home a humid environment that will collect more dust.

5. Keep stuffed animals to a minimumas they are one of the largest dust collectors that a home can have.

6. Vacuum everything. Many people don’t think about dusting things like appliances, but these things are places that carry dust too.

7. Protect your bedding. There are mattress covers to help keep dust out of the bed where you sleep.

8. Leave your shoes at the door. Shoes can track all kinds of things, so it can help reduce dust if you have a place at the front door for everyone to leave their shoes.

9. Make sure pets bathe regularly as they can bring in a large amount of dirt and critters from the outside.

10. Wash bedding and clothing in hot water. when possible, as this will help eliminate dust mites that can make many people sick.

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