• March 30, 2023

How an elevator pitch can promote your practice

what you say about yourself is almost as important as what others think of you! This is not only part of their initial impression of you and what you do, but also more important the things you say about yourself eventually become self-fulfilling (so whatever you say, make sure it’s the best it can be…).

For these reasons, one of the best things any practitioner can master is what is known as the elevator speech. This idea gets its name from the imaginary situation where if you were in an elevator with a total stranger and only had 20 to 60 seconds before they got to their floor, how would you answer their question of “What are you doing?” in a way that grabs their attention and heightens their interest before they walk out and you’ve lost your chance to impress them forever…

(An elevator was probably chosen because of the shorter amount of time you have before someone gets down on your floor – it could just as easily have been called Slurred Party Speech: The amount of time you have at a party before someone gets bored and bother.) although that’s not so fast!)

So given that shorter time frame, what would you say? Well, as I’ve already hinted at, it’s important that you get their attention and they remember you so they don’t get bored, tuned out or forget you, and I’ve found that one of the best ways to do that is instead of proceeding to tell what you actually do, phrase it in such a way that it tells them what CAN do FOR them!

To do this, think about all the end results your customers have achieved using your services, all the great things they can do now, and all the great opportunities that have opened up by visiting you and then you can use these benefits. to perfect your speech. Keep this in mind when planning your “presentation” to get people to buy/act on the results!

An ideal way to find the best things to say about yourself is to let your subconscious do it for you. The great thing about this is that this often happens while you sleep, so there’s less work on your part to do!

For example, have you ever been stuck trying to figure out the solution to a problem (crossword puzzle answers are good) and went to bed and either during the night or first thing in the morning woke up and there is the answer – on the tip of your tongue, the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up?

you how?

Therefore, just before going to sleep, put a pen and notepad next to your bed and think about what you would like to say about yourself, the best way to describe yourself and your practice or any other point. in which you would like your creative inner self to act. in – and then go to bed! As crazy as it sounds (and you’ll have to trust me until you try it for yourself), overnight your subconscious (which is always trying to help you, if you let it) will figure it out for you and give you the best answers in the morning.

To help your subconscious, just remember some of the things your clients always tell you when you’ve done your normal excellent job…

For example (and these are just examples to get the ball rolling and your own creativity flowing), they might have said something like:

You brought them back to life…

You allowed them to play with their grandchildren, play golf, go back to work, etc…

You are a God send…

You have allowed them to do what they always wanted to do…

You have taken away their pain…

You have allowed them to enjoy their retirement…

I’m sure you’ve already come up with some ideas.

Combine this with the highlights of what it really does, and you’ll also have to find the edge and twist on this, and you’re on your way to the perfect tone. Instead of saying you are a chiropractor, osteopath, massage therapist, acupuncturist, etc. and that you eliminate subluxations, spinal injuries, balance energy meridians, eliminate muscular imbalances, etc. – you might want to say (and once again after a good night’s sleep I’m sure you can do better) that:

I use a healing system that is over 5000 years old.

I remove any obstacles to healing and allow the body to repair itself

I slow down the aging process

I restore balance, harmony throughout the body,


So by combining the two, you’ve created an Elevator pitch that will spark interest, a desire to learn more, and draw prospective clients to your clinic like moths to a flame! Because the next time someone asks you what you do, what better than to say:

“My name is Mr. Jones. I am an acupuncturist and for 20 years I have been helping people with all kinds of problems…”

You say:

“I use a healing system that is over 5,000 years old, passed down from generation to generation to restore balance throughout the body and allow people to do the things they really want to do…”

Now, which one do you think will grab people’s attention and make them yearn to know more??

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