• January 17, 2023

I immediately ruined it as a mother and wife!

Angel’s Testimony is about missing out on hearing from God during a difficult situation at home.

Angel’s testimony:

“Lord, may the beauty of your Spirit be so evident in me that I will be a godly role model. Give me the communication, teaching, and parenting skills I am meant to have. Make me the parent you want me to be, and teach me how to truly pray and intercede for the life of this child.”

This was the first thing I read this morning as I poured coffee and flipped over my daily flipchart “The Power of a Praying Father” conveniently located next to the lava generator. I immediately messed it up. I was impatient, moody, and irritated with my daughter as she got ready for school. It was none other than her Valentine’s Day party, and what a shining example of love she was displaying! Surely God would understand that he was cranky, tired and clearly in no mood to listen to him this early in the morning.

“I am a very slow learner. God was speaking very clearly this morning and I almost missed it.”

So, God tried again. One of my dear Facebook friends posted this quote as her status… “Love is always given as a gift: freely, voluntarily, and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love.”

Once again, I decided that I really didn’t want to hear that! Especially since the person who wrote that quote did not live with my husband. Two for two already and the day had just begun.

But God was not willing to give me up completely; He persisted in trying to reach me. My regular morning radio show focused on Ephesians 5, specifically verses 22 and 23. “Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. The Husband provides leadership to his wife in the same way that Christ does it with his church, not by dominating but appreciating”. Grrr…really? Do I need to love and submit even when I don’t feel supported and appreciated?

Another dear Facebook friend posted that her husband couldn’t make it home from a business trip as expected. She was clearly disappointed. My husband works all day about 15 feet away from me, and I’m complaining?

I am a very slow learner. God was speaking to me very clearly this morning and I almost missed it. Through friends, radio, flip charts, my family and his persistence, I was finally able to carry out his plans. I am so thankful for his grace and mercy on me. I am so imperfect and unworthy of it, but still He showers grace and mercy on me because he loves me. I’m amazed by that… He loves me!

I apologized to my daughter, Debbie, on the way to school. She agreed, but I felt somewhat defeated and guilty, which was perhaps God’s way of bringing me to my knees. For my husband, James, I just kept quiet instead of pushing him to talk to me. We didn’t have any real problems that day, just the stress of life, which can make or break a day. I simply stepped back, and James responded accordingly by being affectionate.

Look around you today and open your eyes to what God is saying to you. He speaks to us all day, every day, but we miss most of it because of the clutter in our minds and hearts. Don’t miss it today.


How many of you can relate to Angel’s story? Every mother, at some point, has missed the opportunity to properly relate to her daughter or husband. Angel’s story is very powerful because she recognized a missed opportunity to respond to her family in God’s way. Because of his situation, Ángel did not want to hear those three still small voices that came from God through others.

However, Ángel reflected on the information received through the devotional as well as the information from Facebook and the radio program. It is remarkable that Angel came to the conclusion that God was speaking clearly to him that morning on three separate occasions. It took God three times to get Angel’s attention, but the moral of the story is that she finally listened. God always patiently waits for us to hear her voice. He is a God of second chances or many chances.

Mothers, listen to those small, still voices that God sends to you. God is capable of using anything to get your attention when you are making the wrong decisions! Never let impatience, short temper, or irritation get in the way of your relationship with your daughter, son, or husband. It is never easy, but you have the willpower through God to deal with your situations.

Do all you can to build a strong relationship with your daughter, son, and husband. Life is short on this earth, but remember that we have an eternity with God! When her daughter becomes a teenager, it is absolutely critical that he has established a fantastic relationship with her. Model the behavior you want your daughter or son to pass on to your family when the wedding bells ring and the grandchildren arrive.

Be sure to apologize to your son, daughter, or husband when you have treated them badly. Most of the time, they will be understanding because of their love for you. Remember, you are not alone in your struggles. Mothers are the heart of the family foundation. Mothers, you deserve all the praise in the world for the many sacrifices you make to create a great family!!

It is fitting to end this article with a quote from Angel. “Look around you today and open your eyes to what God is saying to you. He speaks to us all day, every day, but we miss most of it because of the clutter in our minds and hearts. Don’t miss it today.” .

Recommended article to read: How to build a RELATIONSHIP with your child

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