• July 24, 2022

Life is about competing and winning, but most life coaches are not.

Life is built on competition and to truly achieve in life will most likely involve beating the competition. Most life coaching is based on attraction, cognitive principles, and other related methodologies. Many people who use life coaches or attend personal development seminars want to improve or achieve certain goals, but often never achieve the results they want.

First, it is important to reflect on the origins of how the life coaching industry evolved. All personal, business and other training grew from the principles of the sport. The basic essence of training is to work with a player or a team to train them to improve and achieve a result. The core principle of real professional training is to give players the focus, skills and motivation to compete and win. To achieve success in your life or business, you simply must be able to apply these coaching principles to all aspects of life, and a truly successful coach knows how to bring the people they coach to this stage.

Today the life coaching sector has been diluted with tangent methodologies that do not really affect providing the results that clients need or want. Truly effective coaching is about results and not about methodologies or principles. Imagine great coaches like Vince Lombardi, Tommy Lasorda, or John Wooden training attraction techniques or heart-based methodologies to get results for the people they train. These great coaches know that true success begins and ends with competing and winning.

Since the life coaching industry was born out of sports, the principles of competing and winning never carried over as the basic principles of success to life coaching. When people first think of coaching, they want to achieve a certain result, but most life coaching focuses only on methodologies, not results. Real coaching that is results based is the most effective coaching there is. The best coaches that get real results are in sports. Prominent coaches like Phil Jackson, Tony Dungy, and Joe Torre are responsible for the extraordinary success of the likes of Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning, and Derek Jeter. These coaches have great salaries and very high speaking fees because they know how to compete and win. There wouldn’t be a credible life coach today who wouldn’t want the opportunity to pick the brains of these truly successful professional life coaches who are the best and role models for the entire coaching profession.

Having the opportunity to learn the basics of competing and winning will do more for real results than spending huge amounts of money on life coaching methodologies that are derived from books and repeated in seminars. Real coaching is about competing and winning, not the laws of attraction or the latest self-help book. The basic principles of sports are focused on competing and winning. Since life coaching evolved from sports, understanding how to compete and win is the key to any successful coaching.

The combination of competitive advantage and winning formulas for success are some of the fundamental principles that have made Peak Performance Training one of the most requested training programs for success by the world’s top achievers.

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