• September 3, 2021

Michael Jackson – A Message from the Grave

June 25, 2009 “will go down in history” as the day an American icon took his last breath. As I watch the media regurgitate over and over the news of the untimely, unfortunate and very unnecessary disappearance of Michael Jackson, with an occasional flash of the suffering and death of Farah Fawcett, it takes me many years back to a specialized forensic school where every day we were challenged to “profile” someone on the news. I can’t help but describe Michael and the personality that resulted in his death. At the same time, it makes me quite sad; not just because of the sympathy of the millions of mourners, but because of the depth of the real truth and the knowledge that, on a much less famous scale, millions will bury family and friends for the same reason. I feel a responsibility to share the truth, to give the uninformed a “tip”, a “profile” of what killed Michael Jackson. Farah’s death is a completely different story for a completely different but no less important article, but Michaels’ passing may serve to save the lives of the millions who are on the way to join him in death. because his personality is the personality of many millions. Michael won’t give live concerts, but in death he can still be an icon anyway …..

What really killed Michael Jackson?

The toxicology report has yet to be released because Michael’s autopsy is just now scheduled, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is knowing that a human heart is designed to function for more than 50 years unless it is prevented in some way. We know that Michael would have had the best of the best in modern healthcare and heart disease would have been known and cared for. I suspect a long-term habit of over-medication, and outlining his lonely personality corroborates that possibility in my mind. If it is determined that this is the case, which I suspect it will be, some “informed” would say certain suicide, and although it is correct, many would not understand. Some would say that Michael’s blood is in the hands of the many paid and personal facilitators, and they would also be right. Others would say it was modern medicine and pharmaceuticals, and still others would declare that it is society’s fault. Everything would be correct. In hopes of preventing the message of Michaels’ death from fading away, providing an opportunity that I think he would seize if he could, to save millions of lives, those of his friends, family, and maybe even his own, let me explain.

It all started many years ago, in fact, about the beginning of time. Man has eternally searched for ways to escape his own mind, ways to depress anxiety, and ways to stimulate from the depths of depression. Ways to strike a balance between the extremism of the two. Throughout history, man has searched and experimented with alcohol and practically all forms of substance in the search for that miraculous panacea to help him avoid the stress of life; a way to “feel good”. We have witnessed an era in which thousands of people decided to “escape reality” by using marijuana as a full-time occupation. We are now in an era where many turn to illicit drugs to get through the day. On the other side of this eternal search, we have witnessed the development of multiple models of mental health counseling from Freud to fraud, which can be one and the same, and throughout these many years and developments, we have not been able to find that one. panacea.

The 20th century medical revolution ushered in a new hope and what many believed would be the “solution.” When valium appeared, it seemed like the answer to our eternal search, but the mind has a unique way of looking for new symptoms in any attempt to avoid self-responsibility. From valium we have gone on to develop countless chemicals to sedate the mind, block the reality of our daily demons, escape from ourselves, our daily stressors, or our unhappy lives. I would like to say that believers in the Word are immune to this eternal search and the intense need for a way to blunt reality, but sadly they suffer even greater stress for various reasons that are beyond the scope of this article to discuss. Suffice it to say that the Church is failing in its responsibility to teach the entire Word, and the congregation is not following the same instructions intended to keep them mentally healthy. Both believers and non-believers suffer the stress of being human.

I imagine we will find that Michael Jackson’s untimely demise was ultimately fueled by this eternal search for a way to deal with chronic stress, from the inability to take control of his own mind and allow logic to rule over emotion. . You will see that it is illogical (an emotional act) to abuse the medication when the warnings are clear. Michael witnessed the death of Anna Nicole Smith by overdose, was married to Elvis’s daughter, had knowledge and warning, and ignored the warning. Maybe it was a death wish, maybe just an addiction which is my suspicion, but we will never really know the answer to that. He differs from Elvis, the king of rock, only in the fact that he lived 8 more years. While life for the average human is stressful, being the “King” understandably adds a few degrees of stress. Michael woke up every morning and fell asleep every night victim of his fame, and at great mental cost that led to his physical death. We witnessed in his later years, through the child abuse trials and financial failure, the disappearance of Michael Jackson. We witnessed a complete transformation from the innocence of “I’ll be there” to a figure we came to know as “whacko Jacko”. His personal transformation from the King of Pop to Whacko was undoubtedly the result of his emotional anguish, perhaps his inability to find himself in adulthood, but his death can be directly attributed to his inability to take control of that. stress, and those that allowed him.

So who really killed Michael Jackson?

Returning for a moment to the first paragraph of this article, we discussed the fact that man has searched for a magic pill to control stress since time began. Although we have yet to find it, human greed combined with a true desire to advance medicine has provided a deadly cocktail for those who choose to use and abuse it, but still the stress lingers waiting for us to take responsibility, to face our own. got damn. . Above all, it would put the blood of Michael’s death on the “powers that be,” in government and states that allow drug companies to announce to an unconscious public that the latest dangerous chemical is the answer to all problems, and lavish rewards on doctors for prescribing them. This greed for the almighty dollar with carefully orchestrated publicity has turned the American people into a nation of Sheople, seeking medicine to solve all their problems, regardless of personal responsibility.

He would then have to shed Michael’s blood on those who allowed him, they too acted out of greed. Well-paid medical “professionals” knew the dangers, they knew right from wrong, but they didn’t just say no. Lastly, she would have to admit that none of this would have mattered and that Michael would probably be alive today if he had taken responsibility for managing his stress without chemicals.

Michael paid the ultimate price because the government chooses to ignore the millions who die from dangerous drugs, in favor of looking for those that offer natural solutions. He paid the ultimate price due to the greed of the pharmaceutical companies working to convince that dangerous drugs are the first choice for all human ills, and due to the irresponsibility and greed of the very facilitators that he undoubtedly paid very well to help him. to commit suicide. . Michael’s death was by his own hand, facilitated by a very broken society.. Michael has been exonerated, he has paid the highest price for irresponsibility. If we’re going to blame your facilitators, let’s do it fairly and press charges against all of the above.

And the town will continue to perish

I offer these thoughts for the many millions who feel they cannot get through the day without drugs to blunt reality, and primarily for the few who might read and choose not to perish due to their own irresponsibility. As long as we remain a nation of followers, believing in science to rid ourselves of self-responsibility, we will continue to perish unnecessarily. The medication he promised to deliver only dilates brains, suppresses logic, and turns the masses into a twisting and twisting mass of emotion, a volatile recipe for disaster. Half of our cars are driven by medicated drivers and we have road rage, we have adults entering schools killing the innocent. Half of our families are medicated and we have massive family dysfunction, turning dysfunctional children into a medicated dysfunctional world. For believers, we see in Genesis what happens when we substitute logic for emotion; It certainly was not a logical act that started the downward spiral in which we find humanity today, and it is the failure to walk in logic that continues to destroy millions. It is not logical to tie a bomb to a child and send him to the crowd to die, it is not logical to believe that this is what God wants for the children He created. Remember Michael, and remember the dangers that lurk beneath high-priced pharmaceutical advertisements, these chemicals do little more than destroy logic. If you are one of the millions who are crying one minute and a delusional lunatic the next, change your diet, stop using sugar-free chemicals and processed junk, and eat healthy natural foods. Your hormones will balance out as will your temperament. Help your loved ones seek help dealing with stress and getting rid of daily medications. Stop setting a medicinal example to your children and teach them logic and self-responsibility as you are setting them on the path for the rest of your life. Find safe and natural ways to deal with your stress before you get your last hand. Remember that stress is a “state of mind” and that state can be changed by you, or you can allow yourself to consume it, that is a choice. Remember that your past does not dictate your future, the way you handled life stress yesterday does not dictate how you deal with it tomorrow. Keep in mind that although chemicals can be helpful at times, long-term use is what happened to Michael and don’t let that happen to you. If you’re in chronic pain and you weren’t “hit by a truck,” it’s probably just stress and it’s probably in your best interest to stay away from the doctor who only has medications to offer. Let logic rule, if you can’t avoid the sway of a fancy TV ad that promises to eliminate all your troubles, kick the fool out the back door and grab a good book on nutrition – better yet, grab a Bible and search instructions …

Remember, Michael, either you passed us by leaving your music alone, or in death you can remain an icon to free millions of people from drug advertising and the resulting drug dependency. What will it be for you?

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