• November 6, 2021

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body"Said Richard Steele

Reading helps in all areas of our life, as it enriches our mind and develops our personality. In the growing world of the Internet, there are still a large majority of people who still consider reading books essential. My personal opinion goes in the same direction. Reading is a means of acquiring the language of communication and sharing information and ideas. Reading to young children is a recommended way to instill language and expression, and promote understanding of the text. It is an important skill and it is very important for us to develop this skill in children from infancy, for excellent brain and personality development.

Books are a great source of ideas, big and small. We all read something or the other but with different purposes. It varies from person to person, just as reading options vary. Some people read to develop more knowledge, to be entertained and laugh, to participate and interact. Reading is typically an individual and very personal activity. It helps in the personal development of an individual. We read very often to escape the stresses and strains of life, to deal with boredom and the inexorable advance of time. It’s a great way to learn, get the opinions of others, stay informed, understand others (individually and culturally), get inspired and communicate better, and see things from a different perspective. It helps us research and stay current with society, and even connect with like-minded people. It gives us the opportunity to travel to different landscapes and sometimes through different periods in time. It is certainly an escape, but more than that, it is a journey seen through someone else’s eyes. It often helps us to enjoy and love different situations, people, places, and cultures. It is amazing to read books written by authors from years and years ago.

People who love to read have a set time to read in their busy routine. It helps them relax and escape the stress of our day to day. It can transport us to another time or place and it is a great feeling to see, do or experience something different. People have a special reading corner for themselves and some people attach importance to quiet reading and have a separate reading room and some people love to read with light music and some people even read before bed. Many people love to read in the bathroom because they feel that it is one of the few rooms in the house where privacy is routinely respected. A child may break into their parents’ room without warning, or a spouse may share time in a study or living room, but the bathroom is generally considered the Fortress of Solitude in the home.

Reading books has always had advantages over other things in life, be it using the Internet or watching television. It is also the most common interest of people who get up in life and the most important reason for success in people’s lives.

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