• November 27, 2022

Should you include a return envelope in your fundraising newsletter?

I recently had a big question from one of my students.

She said

“I find it very difficult to include a return envelope with my newsletter.”

I think your question was “Should I put an envelope in my newsletter?”

To ask or not to ask: that is the question, right?
There are really two things going on here: 1. Whether or not to ask 2. How you feel about it.

Here’s the truth about fundraising and newsletters: When you send out a well-done, donor-focused newsletter, and your newsletter is part of an entire year of asking and saying thank you, there’s nothing wrong with putting an envelope on a newsletter.

It’s called a soft question. It’s smooth because you’re not calling attention to your request for money.

If people read something in your fundraising newsletter that moves them, you have made it easy for them to respond.

Unfortunately, most nonprofit newsletters are rubbish.

I’m sorry but it’s true.

They are focused on the organization, they are full of useless information, and there is nothing in them that connects the reader to the good work the organization is doing.

My theory is that you have too much to do in one day. The newsletter falls to the bottom of the priority list until it becomes a hot topic, then you put something together so you can walk it out the door and check it off your list.
I know this because that was the way I once did newsletters. And I’ve seen many of my clients do it that way too.

You have to realize that a newsletter serves some very important purposes:

  • It gives you a way to keep in touch with your donors.. In other words, out of sight, out of mind. His newsletter is a good reminder that she is still here and doing good work.
  • It gives you a way to emotionally connect with your donors and remind them that you care about your mission. Your work is not as important to your donors as it is to you. You have to get in front of them regularly with stories that move them. When you tug at their heartstrings, they’ll remember that you care and want to help.
  • It gives you a way to educate your donors about your cause. Your donors don’t know the ins and outs of your mission like you do. And you have to give it in small doses. When you inundate them with information, it’s overwhelming and they’ll tune out.

How often can you send a newsletter?

It depends. It depends on how you send it and what else you send. I think you can send out a print newsletter quarterly. You can send a shorter monthly email newsletter.

The most important thing is that the newsletter contains information of interest to the donor. Get it right and you can send out a newsletter as often as you like.

the real problem
The real issue behind the question my student asked me was how he feels about asking. Many people feel uncomfortable asking for money, especially when they think they ask too often.

No one wants to wear down their welcome, particularly with a donor.

No one wants to become the nonprofit that donors are afraid to hear about.

Once again, remember that if your donors donate, it means they care about your work. Think of them as partners in your work. Your partner needs to be aware, right? They need to stay informed so they know when to step up and provide more support.

Asking is not about you. It’s about giving your donor the opportunity to support her work.

So don’t worry about putting an envelope in your newsletter. As long as you’re providing your donor with meaningful and interesting information, and you’re doing plenty of relationship-building activities outside of your newsletter, all is well and good.

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