• April 5, 2021

Social anxiety: what is it?

Social anxiety is another paralyzing anxiety disorder that can lead to panic attacks and is also known as social phobia. It is the fear of social situations and of being judged or embarrassed when meeting or talking to other people. Social anxiety or phobia can be compared to shyness but with a much more intense fear. Shyness becomes an anxiety disorder when being around people becomes very difficult and you may stop socializing altogether or at least avoid social situations.

You may also experience very anxiety-like symptoms, including shaking, sweating, and heart palpitations. Sinking or almost irresistible feeling or running away. You may also feel that your fears are irrational and blame yourself for feeling this way, rather than trying to understand that your fears are a disorder. This is completely normal and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed or embarrassed.

Emotional symptoms you may feel may include being self-aware or having a feeling of failure, you may avoid social situations or withdraw from friends or family, and you are more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol to give you more confidence to go out. in a social situation.

Things you can avoid or feel uncomfortable with include:

Be in the limelight

Being introduced to new people

Being watched by people when you are doing something.

Meet people in authority

Using the phone

All of these things are completely normal for a person suffering from social anxiety … you are not crazy and there are steps you can take to overcome all the symptoms. Try to find someone close to you to support you, they can help you if you can’t help but go out and don’t want to go alone. One really important thing is to try to avoid alcohol to give yourself Dutch courage, alcohol is a depressant that can help you at that time, but in the long run it will only increase your anxiety. I know for sure, since I used to self-medicate.

One of the first steps in overcoming social disorder is understanding your feelings and fears, reading about your disorder or joining a forum for people with social anxiety can also help you understand your disorder. The main thing you need to do is realize that you have a disorder and take the necessary steps to treat it and recover, which can be achieved through therapy or using self-help as I did, and by that I do not mean self-medication. There are self-help methods that can help you, and none of them recommend self-medication.

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